Open Letter to IMAG: Stop your Business in Iran!

To Peter Bergleiter, Managing Director IMAG GmbH
Gabriele Kraus, Executive Director and Authorized Representative IMAG GmbH
Klaus Dittrich, Chairman and CEO Messe München
Berlin, October 29, 2019
Dear Mr. Bergleiter,
dear Ms. Kraus,
dear Mr. Dittrich,
we write to you as spokeswomen for the STOP THE BOMB campaign which advocates against the Iranian nuclear program and supports a free, secular Iran.
The “Internationale Messe- und Ausstellungsdienst” (IMAG GmbH) is a leading actor in organizing international trade with the regime in Iran. As a subsidiary of Messe München, IMAG is involved in eight tradefairs in Iran. Three of these fairs will take place within the next 14 days: the IIEE energy fair starts October 30th, the mining fair ConMin October 31st and the automobileparts exhibition IAPEX the 9th of November 2019. IMAG also organizes the “German Pavillon” at the Iran Oil Show, helps to host the Iran logistics fair, the engineering fair, the water fair Watex and a fair for renewable energies. IMAG is thus promotes trade with Iran in all key economicl sectors.
STOP THE BOMB protests against these activities. The Islamic Republic of Iran is not a normal market but is controlled by the Islamist Regime in Teheran. This regime is trying to acquire nuclear weapons, as indicated by their numerous breaches of the nuclear deal. They also commit numerous violations of human rights and is pursuing the proclaimed goal of eradicating Israel. The regime supports international terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and destabilizes the entire region by supporting Shiite militias. Hezbollah, which is directed by Iran, has targeted 130.000 rockets at Israel and is an existential threat to the country.
Since the Iranian state supports terrorist groups, FATF – an international institution which combats money laundering and the financing of terrorism – is now calling for tightened inspections of all financial transactions with Iran since 18 October 2019. The FATF rulings are binding, German companies must adhere to it.
Every entrepeneur and every company investing in Iran knows that when it comes to doing business in Iran, it comes first and foremost with the big economic empires of the Revolutionary Guards and the regime-controlled, tax-exempt religious foundations. Especially these companies profit from the cessation of sanctions - not the private sector.
At the beginning of 2017, the Reuters news agency presented a study showing that out of just under 110 financial statements completed after the nuclear deal in July 2015, only 17 went to private companies. On the other hand, 90 deals totaling at least $ 80 billion were contracted with companies owned or controlled by Iranian state authorities.
In other words, the resurgence of trade after the signing of the JCPOA benefited, almost without exception, the authoritarian state, or the Revolutionary Guards, who are responsible for both the nuclear and missile program and repression within Iran. Trade with Iran thus neither leads to change in the interior, nor to stability and security in the region, but mainly fills the coffers of the Revolutionary Guards.
Companies of the Revolutionary Guard, or companies belonging to the Iranian military, involved in rocket production or the Iranian nuclear industry also exhibit at trade fairs organized by IMAG. Such companies, which are responsible for the repression in Iran, for the destabilization of the region and and the threat to Israel, are given the opportunity to make global contacts and establish business worldwide through the trade fairs that you organize. Among those firms were in the past IMIDRO, Mobarakeh Steel Company, Khatam al Anbiya, which are all subject to US-sanctions and the Iran Aviation Industries Organization which is subject to EU-Sanctions due to human rights violations. IMAG gives these companies profit and legitimacy.
We consider it unbearable that a German company is a leading actor in facilitating trade with the only regime that has declared the destruction of Israel to be the core of its foreign policy. We know that you are even taking pride in facilitating such deals and helping companies evade US sanctions. This year in May you have signed a declaration of intent with the Iranian company IDRO which states that you plan to even intensify your presence in Iran by organizing trade delegations, conferences and exhibitions.
We urge you nevertheless: Stop your activities in Iran. There must be no business with Iran, until the regime has stopped the threats against Israel, the support of terrorism in the region and on the entire world and the grave violations of human rights.
Yours sincerely,
Ulrike Becker
Fathiyeh Naghibzadeh
Press Release: Federal Government supports organizing Fairs in the Islamic Republic of Iran
STOP THE BOMB protests against the Federal Ministry of Economics and subsidiary of Messe München.
Berlin, October 29, 2019
The STOP THE BOMB campaign which advocates against the Iranian nuclear program and for a free, secular Iran, protests against the Iran-business of fair organizer IMAG GmbH, which is a subsidiary of Messe München. According to their own claims, IMAG is at the time involved in eight fairs in the Islamic Republic of Iran and is therefore a leading organizer of international business with the Iranian regime. Three of those fairs start within the next 14 days: IIEE Energy fair is scheduled for October 30th, mining fair Iran ConMin starts October 31st and IAPEX automobile parts fair is scheduled to start 9th of November.
STOP THE BOMB doesn’t only protest these activities but as well against the Federal Ministry of Economics, which supports IMAG’s activities substantially and organizes “German Pavilions” for fairs in Iran. Among others for Iran Oil Show, IAPEX automobile parts fair and IIEE.
Involved in those fairs were in the past also companies that are affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Iranian military. Those companies hold responsibility for the repression in Iran, destabilizing the region and threatening Israel. Through IMAG’s fairs they gain recognition, profit and the possibility to initiate business deals globally.
Ulrike Becker, spokeswoman of STOP THE BOMB explains: “We think it’s unbearable that the German government and German companies are a leading actor in establishing business with the only regime which considers the annihilation of Israel a linchpin of its foreign policy. We call upon both the Government and the companies: Stop your activities in Iran! There must not be any business with Iran until the regime stops the threats against Israel, its support of terrorism in the region and globally and of course its constant violations of human rights.
You can read an open letter to IMAG GmbH here.