German Parliamentary Committee legitimizes the Executioners of the Iranian Opposition

STOP THE BOMB condemns the journey by the subcommittee on foreign culture and education policy to Iran.
STOP THE BOMB, October 15, 2010
The coalition STOP THE BOMB, which is active against the nuclear armament of Iran, strongly condemns the journey of the subcommittee on foreign culture and education policy to Iran, scheduled for 16-22 October, 2010. Heading the delegation is the head of the committee, Peter Gauweiler (CDU/CSU), accompanied by fellow committee members Günter Gloser (SPD), Lukrezia Jochimsen (Left Party) and Claudia Roth (Green Party). (1)
According to the Iranian news agency Fars News, the initiative for the trip was a letter from the Head of the German parliamentary committee, Peter Gauweiler, to the head of the committee on culture of the Iranian mock parliament, Gholam Ali Hadad Adel. (2)
Hadad Adel is a close confidant of supreme leader Khamenei. He personally sent a threat to the Queen of England that the author Salman Rushdie will be killed. Hadad Adel said: “Salman Rushdie has been sentenced to death by the historical fatwa of Imam Khomeini, and bestowing of titles cannot bring this corpse back to life.” (3)
According to Fars News, a meeting with the speaker of the Iranian parliament and holocaust denier Ali Larijani is also planned. (4)
“This kowtowing by German parliamentarians to the killers and anti-Semites in the Iranian regime is another slap in the face of the Iranian democratic opposition and to civilized people worldwide”, says Michael Spaney, spokesperson of STOP THE BOMB in Germany. “Germany legitimizes the totalitarian dictatorship in Iran and goes against the sanctions of the US and the EU.”
The US recently imposed travel bans on eight leading officials of the regime because of human rights violations. (5) Mahammed Mostafaie, one of the lawyers of Sakine Mohammadi Aschtiani, an Iranian woman sentenced to death, just called on the European Parliament to take stronger measures against the Islamic Republic. Besides economic sanctions, political sanctions would be necessary as well. For example, the EU could impose travel bans on Iranian politicians and officials. (6)
“While there is an often diffuse debate about integration and Islam in Germany, leading German politicians flatter the main exporters of Islamic terrorism”, says Spaney. “Especially the role of the Green Party, which always likes to portray itself as friends of the Iranian opposition, cannot be called other than hypocritical.”
STOP THE BOMB demands an immediate end to the dialogue with the Iranian terror regime, consequent economic and political sanctions and the banning of Hizbollah as henchman of the Iranian regime in Germany.