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Monday, March 03, 2025

Successful Protest: The "Iran Business Forum" is postponed to a later date.

The Maleki Group, the organizer of the event, announced that the forum will be postponed until further notice.The protest ralley will therefore not take place. 

Thanks to all who supported our protests!


Announcement of the protest ralley of STOP THE BOMB (sorry, only German):




STOP THE BOMB Press Release

German Foreign Office beats the drum for expansion of Iran business

Head of Middle East Division at the "Iran Business Forum" in Frankfurt am Main

Berlin, May 15, 2014

The campaign STOP THE BOMB calls on the Federal Government to cancel the participation of Markus Potzel, Head of Middle East Division of the Federal Foreign Office at the "Business Forum Iran." The meeting is scheduled for May 23, 2014 in Frankfurt am Main. The "Maleki Group" which is the organizer, encourages German companies in their invitation explicitly to invest in Iran now, while negotiations about the nuclear conflict are still going on. The event is co-organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Frankfurt.

The Foreign Office legitimizes the aims of the event with the participation of Markus Potzel, a senior representative of the Foreign Office, with the blessing of the federal government. Omid Nouripour, the Green party's foreign policy spokesperson, already cancelled his participation after protests.
Ali Ashraf Afkhami is announced to be another speaker.* Afkhami is the chairman of Tehran's Bank of Industry and Mine, which is on the sanctions list of the European Union. Afkhami is also the manager of the financial empire of revolutionary leader Khamenei, which is acquired through expropriation of regime opponents and used for terrorist purposes.

Among the speakers is also the Iranian ambassador in Germany, Ali Reza Sheikh Attar. Attar is accused to be responsible for massacres in the Kurdish areas during his tenure as governor of the Iranian province of Kurdistan. He is also accused to be responsible for the procurement of illegal activities for the Iranian nuclear program in Germany. 
Ulrike Becker, spokeswoman for the campaign STOP THE BOMB comments: "It is scandalous that a senior official of the Foreign Office takes part in a promotional event for doing business with Iran. This accommodates to the attempts of Rouhani to split the Western opponents of the Iranian nuclear program. The Iranian regime will interpret the participation of Markus Potzel rightly as support of the Federal Government and harden its position in the nuclear issue even more. Whoever trades with this regime, finances the Iranian nuclear program and the suppression of the Iranian people by Holocaust deniers who threaten Israel with annihilation."

*The "Maleki Group" has stated in the meantime that Ali Ashraf Afkhami will not participate in the event.