STOP THE BOMB thanks all organizations and individuals who supported the protest against this year's Quds march! You can find many articles, videos and pictures under "Media".
Protests against the Quds day

Like in the last years, there will be protests against the anti-Semitic and Islamist Quds day march in Berlin, which will take place on August 18.
In a pre-event on August 13, Wahied Wahdat-Hagh (European Foundation for Democracy) and Jonathan Weckerle (STOP THE BOMB) will discuss "The Quds day and the Islamist struggle against Israel and freedom in the Middle East", find more information here.
The anti-fascist coalition "No Al-Quds Day" calls for protests on August 18, 2012, 1.00 pm. The demonstration "United against all forms of anti-Semitism!" will take place at the Adenauerplatz. Please find more information and related events here.
STOP THE BOMB and other organizations initiated the demonstration "Against Islamist and anti-Semitic propaganda on the streets of Berlin – Solidarity with Israel and the Iranian freedom movement!", which will take place on August 18,2012, at 2.30 pm at the Joachimstaler Platz (Map). Find more information at, the English call for protests is available below. Please also invite your friends via Facebook!
It will be possible to participate in both protest demonstrations!
On our website you can also find the documentation of the 2011, 2010 and 2009 protests.
Protest against the Quds day: Against Islamist and anti-Semitic propaganda on the streets of Berlin – Solidarity with Israel and the Iranian freedom movement!
Since 1979, Islamist organizations worldwide participate in the Quds day at the end of Ramadan. After the Islamist takeover in Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini called for the spread of the Islamic revolution, for the “liberation” of Jerusalem, and the destruction of Israel.
Looming behind this year’s Quds march on August 18 is the continued and accelerated Iranian nuclear program. While time runs out to stop the Islamist Iranian regime on its way to the bomb, a wave of hatred against Israel came up in Germany. The trigger was a poem by Günter Grass describing the existentially threatened Jewish state of Israel as an aggressor and a threat for world peace. This makes it even more important to take action against this year’s Quds march, which increasingly disguises itself as a “peace demonstration”, and to show solidarity with Israel!
We also will show our solidarity with the majority of Iranians, who’s rights and struggle for freedom are brutally oppressed by the Iranian dictatorship. In 2009, a nationwide revolt was put down with extreme violence, and since then the human rights situation has deteriorated even more. Imprisonments, torture, executions, enforcing of “Islamic behavior”, gender apartheid and censorship occur on a daily basis.
The Iranian regime also threatens life and freedom of people in Germany: Since May the Iranian musician Shahin Najafi, who had to flee from Iran in 2005, has to live in hiding in Germany, after various Iranian Ayatollahs issued death fatwas against him. Circles close to the regime offer 100.000 Dollar on his head, and Iranian diplomats in Germany helped to spread the death fatwa.
Marching on Quds day are not only followers of the regime, but also their murderous henchmen. For example, flags of Hezbollah are shown regularly on Quds day marches. Hezbollah is a close ally of the Iranian regime and has been repeatedly involved in terror attacks worldwide. Recently, on August 18, 2012, a terror attack on Israeli tourists in Bulgaria killed six people. Many more attacks in the last years have been attempted, but could be prevented. For many years, it is well known and can be even read in the official German security reports that Hezbollah has hundreds of followers in Germany and is capable of conducting massive terror attacks. The recently failed attempt to put Hezbollah on the EU terror list is a scandal that only increases the responsibility of the German government: Hezbollah has to be finally banned as terror organization in Germany!
We –politically and socially active organizations and individuals – again call for a protest against the anti-Semitic and anti-democratic Quds day.
Demonstrate together with us:
· Against all forms of anti-Semitic and Islamist propaganda,
· Against the human rights violations of the Islamic Republic of Iran,
· For an immediate banning of Hezbollah and
· For solidarity with Israel and the Iranian freedom movement!
Our protest will take place on August 18, 2012, at 2.30 pm at the Joachimstaler Platz in Berlin (Map).
Jungle World - Grass' Fusstruppe (August 23, 2012)
Tablet - Talking With Neo-Nazis and Pro-Israel Germans (August 22, 2012)
Publikative - Marsch der Antisemiten (August 21, 2012)
Tablet - Quds Day in Berlin (August 20, 2012)
Tagesspiegel - Heißer Asphalt (August 19, 2012)
Haolam - Zwischen Wunderheilung und Hitlergruß (August 19, 2012)
Jewish News One TV (Reuters) - Pro-Israel group stages al-Quds counter protest in Berlin (August 19, 2012)
Jewish Germany - Europe’s freedom stands and falls with Israel (August 19, 2012)
WELT - Al-Quds-Demo in Berlin (August 18, 2012)
Berliner Zeitung - „Unterstützung für Palästina“ (August 18, 2012)
RBB - Proteste und Gegenproteste zum Al-Quds-Tag in Berlin (August 18, 2012)
Weltexpress - Al-Quds-Demo in Berlin (August 18, 2012)
B.Z. - Keine Ausschreitungen trotz Karikaturen (August 18, 2012)
B.Z. - 2100 Polizisten schützen den Hass (August 18, 2012)
taz - Gegen Islamophobe und Israelfeinde (August 18, 2012)
Freie Radios - Antifa-Nachrichten (August 16, 2012)
Jungle World - Quds-Tag: Assad muss zu Hause bleiben (August 16, 2012)
New York Times - Despite Alarm by U.S., Europe Lets Hezbollah Operate Openly (August 15, 2012)
Jerusalem Post - Groups demand halt of Berlin anti-Israel march (14.8.2012)
B.Z. - Al-Quds-Tag: Hass-Demo gegen Israel (August 9, 2012)
Frankfurter Rundschau - Israelfeindliche Demo (August 19, 2012)