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Press releases

All press releases of STOP THE BOMB on the German site

December 11, 2022: STOP THE BOMB demands: IRGC on the EU terrorist list! 

October 27, 2022: A Matter of Pride: STOP THE BOMB on Iran's sanctions list 

August 16, 2022: The attack on Salman Rushdi must have consequences. STOP THE BOMB calls for a turning point in Iran policy

July 4, 2022: Plans for release of Iranian terrorist? STOP THE BOMB demands distancing of the German government and consequent anti-terror measures

May 15, 2022: Stop courting representatives of the Iranian regime in the U.S. and Germany! Fire Mahallati!

March 1, 2022: STOP THE BOMB calls for a turning point in relations with Iran

February 18, 2022: No red carpet for Iran's antisemitic Foreign Minister Abdollahian

August 5, 2021: Freedom for Nahid Taghavi - The Iranian regime must not be allowed to get away with its policy of taking hostages

July 23, 2021: STOP THE BOMB calls on German government to support protests in Iran

June 20, 2021: Election boycott in Iran - a referendum against the Islamic Republic

May 9, 2021: Iranian State Terrorism in Europe: Iranian diplomat legally sentenced to 20 years in prison for planned bomb attack

April 30, 2021: Scandalous election: Iran with European support in the UN Women's Rights Commission

February 5, 2021: Iranian diplomat convicted / STOP THE BOMB demands: Close Iranian Embassies!

December 13, 2020: Execution of Ruhollah Zam: STOP THE BOMB demands withdrawal of German Ambassador from the "Europe-Iran Business Forum"

November 26, 2020: Trial against Iranian State-Sponsored Terror Plot begins in Belgium. STOP THE BOMB demands: Close Iranian embassies in Europe

September 13, 2020: Despite barbaric executions in Iran: Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif expected in Berlin

July 31, 2020: Stop Executions of Protesters in Iran – Federal Government and Parliament Must Act

April 30, 2020: STOP THE BOMB calls for more pressure on the Iranian regime after ban of Hezbollah

January 13, 2020: STOP THE BOMB Campaign calls on the German Government to support the Protests in Iran

January 8, 2020: STOP THE BOMB Rally against Mourning Ceremony for Chief of the Quds Brigades Ghassem Soleimani

January 7, 2020: After the death of Qassem Soleimani: STOP THE BOMB appeals to the Federal Government and the German Public: Stand on the Side of the Democrats in the Middle East!

November 20, 2019: Break the Silence. STOP THE BOMB Campaign calls for Solidarity with Protests in Iran

October 29, 2019: Federal government supports organizing fairs in the Islamic Republic of Iran. STOP THE BOMB protests against the Federal Ministry of Economics and subsidiary of Messe München.

September 18, 2019: Protest Rally: STOP THE BOMB Campaign Calls for Cancellation of "Banking and Business Forum Iran Europe"

September 6, 2019: Protest against Pirouz Hanachi's invitation to Berlin City Hall

May 10, 2019: SPD Foundation Courts Holocaustdenier Think Tank

May 6, 2019: Iranian regime responsible for the attacks on Israel. STOP THE BOMB campaign calls for new sanctions against the Iranian regime

April 9, 2019: STOP THE BOMB demands: Revolutionary Guards in Germany on the Terror-List

March 17, 2019: Jewish Museum Berlin as a Mouthpiece for anti-Zionist propaganda of the Iranian regime

November 15, 2018: STOP THE BOMB criticizes cooperation with Iranian banks

November 4, 2018: STOP THE BOMB welcomes new US sanctions against Iran

August 27, 2018: STOP THE BOMB calls for political consequences after bomb plot against supporters of Iran's opposition

June 8, 2018: Protests against the antisemitic Quds-March in Berlin and Hamburg

May 11, 2018: STOP THE BOMB demands the end of “business as usual” with the Iranian regime

April 29, 2018: Federal President Steinmeier courts Islamist association IGS

February 19, 2018: FATF Meeting: Iran Must Remain on the Blacklist of Terrorism Sponsors!

February 7, 2018: Open Letter To German Chancellor Angela Merkel: Protect citizens from the Iranian regime and change the policies towards Iran!

January 1st, 2018: STOP THE BOMB demands political support for protesters in Iran

December 18, 2017: EU funds for umbrella organization influenced from Iran. STOP THE BOMB demands stop of funding. 

November 12, 2017: Banking Forum for a Terror Regime. STOP THE BOMB protests against "Banking and Business Forum Iran Europe"

July 26, 2017: Open Letter to the Ministry of Family: Prominent Journalists, Scholars and Human Rights Activists call for a Stop of the support for Islamist Associations

June, 26, 2017: From Quds-March in Tehran to the German Foreign Office. STOP THE BOMB protests with a rally against the invitation of the Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif to the German Foreign Office. (in German, only)

June 21, 2017: Protests against the Antisemitic Quds-March in Berlin. STOP THE BOMB criticizes the support of Iranian institutions in Germany. (in Germany, only)

May 25, 2017: Sigmar Gabriel invites organizer of the antisemitic and anti-Israel Quds march

March 5, 2017: Protests against the invitation of an Iranian delegation to the German Parliament

February 18, 2017: Poster campaign against the invitation of Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif to the Munich Security Conference

January 16, 2017: Iranian agent targeting Pro-Israel Group. Iran’s terror export poses a threat to Germany.

December 29, 2016: STOP THE BOMB warns German companies of doing business in Iran

December 16, 2016: Aleppo - The Deaster of the Iran-Appeasement

September 30, 2016: Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel travels to Iran during Massacre in Aleppo

September 7, 2016: Collaboration with terror. German authorities invited Iranian Intelligence Minister to Berlin

June 14, 2016: STOP THE BOMB Condemns Reception of Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif in Berlin after Islamist Murder of Homosexuals

June 5, 2016: Leading organizer of Iranian Holocaust Cartoon Contest is a Partner of the German Federal Government

May 12, 2016: German Parliamentarians must condemn Iranian Holocaust-Cartoon Competition

April 29, 2016: Broad alliance criticizes Iran trip of Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel

February 12, 2016: STOP THE BOMB protests with a mobile truck against the invitation of Iran's foreign minister to the Munich Security Conference

February 2, 2016: Trip to Iran: German foreign minister Steinmeier meets with Holocaust-deniers

January 17, 2016: Iran sanctions suspended: billions for terror, oppression, Mideast wars and the nuclear program

November 18, 2015: Demonstration against the promotion of Iran deals by the German Government

October 14, 2015: Rewarding Terror – STOP THE BOMB protests against Iran-trip of Foreign Minister Steinmeier

October 4, 2015: Joint Protest declaration against the Iran trip of Olaf Lies, Minister of Economics in Lower Saxony of Young Socialists Lower Saxon, STOP THE BOMB, Young Forum of the German-Israeli Society Hanover, German-Israeli Society Hannover, German-Israeli Society Oldenburg

September 18, 2015: The Iran Deal and the Syrian Refugee Crisis. German Policy co-responsible for destabilizing the region

July 16, 2015: Protest against Iran trip of German Vice Chancellor Gabriel

July 14, 2015: Nuclear Deal: The path to the Iranian bomb. STOP THE BOMB critizices agreement with Tehran. Removal of sanctions channels billions to Islamist terror. 

June 4, 2015: STOP THE BOMB criticizes Iran High Tech Conference in Berlin

May 7, 2015: German Federal Government is promoting business with Iran - in spite of existing sanctions

April 3, 2015: Success for Iran's tactics. STOP THE BOMB criticizes agreement with Tehran

March 3, 2015: Protest: Iran is no vacation country for democrats. Protest against the visit of the Iranian Vice president Masoud Soltanifar at the travel trade show in Berlin.

February 6, 2015: Terror threats against Iranian exiles. Iranian regime newspaper calls for „suppression and annihilation“ of the opposition abroad.

January 20, 2015: German parliament’s Vice President meets terrorists and Holocaust deniers in Iran

January 19, 2015: Terror in Europe: STOP THE BOMB calls for the suspension of the State Treaty with the Islamic Centre Hamburg

January 9, 2015: Business lobby in German Bundestag undermines Iran sanctions

December 16, 2014: Niels Annen cosying up to terror. SPD foreign policy speaker met Iranian terrorist mastermind Velayati

November 25, 2014: Negotiations with Iran failed. STOP THE BOMB calls for new sanctions

November 24, 2014: A nuclear Iran as Germany's partner? Iranian trade delegation on shopping tour in Germany

October 9, 2014: Iran Investment Conference in London is Premature and Harms Prospects for Peace

May 30, 2014: Senior German MPs shoulder to shoulder with Iranian terror

May 15, 2014: German Foreign Office beats the drum for expansion of Iran business

April 7, 2014: German business association NUMOV is courting the Iranian regime

February 27, 2014: Germany: Chamber of Commerce Seminar with an Iranian Ambassador of Neo-Fascism

January 15, 2014: Berlin's ex-mayor Walter Momper (SPD) undermines sanction pressure on Iran

November 24, 2013: Surrender instead of Freeze. STOP THE BOMB criticizes the Geneva deal as appeasement

November 8, 2013: German federal agency BAFA allowed export of components for nuclear weapons program in Iran

November 6, 2013: Negotiating until Iran has the bomb? STOP THE BOMB criticizes talks with Iranian regime in Geneva

October 18, 2013: STOP THE BOMB demands cancellation of Iran trip by Hannes Swoboda MEP

September 26, 2013: Rohani talks of peace and wages war in Syria

September 4, 2013: Universities in Potsdam and Frankfurt cooperate with Islamist Elite School in Iran

September 3, 2013: New massacre of Iranian dissidents in Iraq

July 23, 2013: Only a full ban of Hezbollah is effective!

July 9, 2013: Is the German Governement out for Iranian Oil? Iranian minister at German conference

June 19, 2013: STOP THE BOMB: Hassan Rowhani is neither a reformer, nor moderate

April 7, 2013: STOP THE BOMB demands the increase of sanctions against Iran

April 4, 2013: No stage for the Iranian regime! STOP THE BOMB protests against the invitation of the Iranian ambassador to the Evangelische Akademie

February 11, 2013: Missile attacks on Iranian refugee camp in Iraq

January 30, 2013: Protests against the visit of Iranian Foreign Minister to Germany

January 16, 2013: "MAN's Iran business not acceptable"

January 15, 2013: Protest against Iran Seminar of the German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce

October 23, 2012: STOP THE BOMB: Cancel Iran Trip of German MP's

October 16, 2012: STOP THE BOMB demands cancellation of EU trip to Iran. EU delegation's visit to Iran thwarts sanctions

October 9, 2012: No stage for the Iranian Regime at the Frankfurt Book Fair

October 6, 2012: Hizbullah on the terror list in next round of sanctions against Iran. The campaign STOP THE BOMB for a ban of Hizbullah prior to the October 15 meeting of EU foreign ministers

October 3rd, 2012: Sanctions ignite anti-Regime Protests in Iran. STOP THE BOMB calls for the support of the Iranian Opposition

June 17, 2012: The Islamic Republic of Iran is straight on its way to the bomb

June 1, 2012: German Parliament snubs Iranian Human Rights Delegation - Canceling of a meeting with Reza Pahlavi is a scandalous signal to the Iranian regime

May 22nd, 2012: Pan-European call for P5+1 to not tolerate Iranian delaying tactics on nuclear issue. Policymakers, prominents and STOP THE BOMB demand determined action against Iranian nuclear program

May 13th, 2012: Death-Fatwa: STOP THE BOMB demands the protection of the singer Shahin Najafi and the closure of the Iranian Embassy in Germany

April 19, 2012: German companies at the Teheran trade fair „Iran Oil Show“ - Participation fee must be paid to sanctioned Iranian bank

April 16, 2012: Pressure of sanctions on Iran must not be decreased after unsuccessful nuclear talks

March 30, 2012: Iran calls for March on Jerusalem

March 1, 2012: On the day of the unfree „elections“ in Iran: „Sanctions Seminar“ in Hamburg supports German companies with new Iran business

February 3, 2012: Strong criticism for head of Munich Security Conference: "A Nuclear Iran must not be accepted!”

January 23, 2012: Wird Deutschland auch neue Iran-Sanktionen der EU unterlaufen? (German)

December 21, 2011: German export control agency BAFA for months approved Iran deals despite warnings

December 5, 2011: Iranian regime is being courted in Germany. Cooperation with Iran in Afghanistan is doomed to fail

November 30, 2011: After the embassy incursion: Germany must not block financial sanctions against Iran tomorrow

November 25, 2011: STOP THE BOMB calls for the expulsion of anti-Semitic board member of the German Banks Foundation "Schloss Neuhardenberg"

November 8, 2011: Protests against the German Business Association BVMW and German-Iranian Business Congress in Berlin

November 4, 2011: German business alliance cooperates with Iranian regime, event covered as women empowerment

October 24, 2011: Protest against the invitation of the Iranian Vice Minister for Economic Affairs to the German Foundation DGAP

October 11, 2011: Matthias Platzeck, Rüdiger Safranski and the Iranian Regime

October 7, 2011: German Business undeterred by Iran sanctions

September 8, 2011: After EU sanctions against Syria: Stop Iranian oil import

July 7, 2011: Sharp Criticism against German Talks with Iran

April 13, 2011: German Companies are Undermining EU Sanctions against Iran's Energy Sector

Feb. 28, 2011: Do only lives of German citizens count for Westerwelle?

Feb. 23, 2011: Close Hamburg's Iranian terror bank

11.1.2011: German Business Seminars Undermine International Pressure on Iran

22.11.2010: Hamburg - Center of German-Iranian Networking

20.11.2010: International Protests against Iranian Propaganda Event at the Marriott Courtyard Airport Hotel in Hamburg / German MP Elke Hoff promotes expansion of German-Iranian Cooperation in Iran

15.10.2010: German Parliamentary Committee legitimizes the Executioners of the Iranian opposition

8.10.2010: Swiss Iran policy under fire. STOP THE BOMB protests in five European cities

23.9.2010: Rally for the immediate closure of the European-Iranian Trade Bank (EIH) in Hamburg, Germany

9.9.2010:German government protects terror bank

30.7.2010: Protest against Iran trip of Rainer Stinner

20.7.2010: Germany wants to weaken Iran sanctions of the European Union

30.6.2010: STOP THE BOMB calls for cancellation of German Affairs Committee trip to Iran

22.6.2010: Despite Islamist threats: Daryush Shokof shows film

4.6.2010: Iranian attack feared on disappeared Daryush Shokof

21.4.2010: Prominent Europeans call for sanctions against Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps

4.2.2010: German Companies Court Ahmadinejad with Nuclear Technology

5.1.2010: Sanctions instead of EU delegations (With STB advertisement in the Wall Street Journal)

28.9.2009: After international criticism about trade with Iran Siemens loses 300 Million Dollar contract in Los Angeles

10.7.2009: Protest against meeting of the German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce

10.6.2009: German-Iranian record deal shortly before presidential elections

3.6.2009: Panel discussion with the Iranian ambassador in Leipzig has been cancelled

17.5.2009: German Government supports business in Iran of the Linde Group with Federal Credit Guarantees

13.5.2009: Questions on Iran-business at Linde's annual meeting

4.5.2009: Former German Ambassador to Israel Rudolf Dressler criticizes German-Iranian business meeting of the Near and Middle East Association – campaign STOP THE BOMB announces protests in front of the NUMOV office in Berlin

21.4.2010: Prominent Europeans call for sanctions against Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps

17.4.2009: STOP THE BOMB campaign protests against Iran deal of German gas company Bayerngas

31.3.2009: Joint statement of five European organisations on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the proclamation of the "Islamic Republic" in Iran

11.2.2009: Call for protest against the film  „Letters to the President“ and the Berlin based film festival " Berlinale" as a forum for the Iranian terror regime

29.1.2009: Siemens loves Iran

27.1.2009: STOP THE BOMB - Open letter to Mr. Löscher, Dr. Cromme - supervisory board chairman and CEO of Siemens AG: Questions about business with Iran for the Siemens AG Managing Board and Supervisory Board

25.1.2009: Manager-Seminar "Ihr Geschäftserfolg im Iran" abgesagt!

27.11.2008: STOP THE BOMB Hamburg: Protest against a workshop of the German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce in Hamburg

28.10.2008: Press release: Start of the STOP THE BOMB campaign