Elie Wiesel on STOP THE BOMB

Prof. Elie Wiesel, author, professor and survivor of the Shoah. In 1986 he was awarded the Nobel peace prize
Friends in Austria and Germany from New York where I live, I join you in your commendable efforts to unmask and denounce Iranian threats against the Jewish people and the people of Israel. Remember when a leader of a nation violates all standards of morality and decency by announcing to the whole world his wish to see a nation member of the international community wiped off the map, our immediate response cannot be anything other than anger and outrage. (...) I am in total solidarity with all that you are doing. Elie Wiesel. Watch Elie Wiesel's video message
Prof Robert Wistrich on STOP THE BOMB

Prof. Robert S. Wistrich, Director of The Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism - SICSA, Jerusalem/Israel
“I consider the initiative of the ‘Stop the Bomb’ Campaign in Germany very timely and praiseworthy. It is of great importance to increase pressure on German public opinion, politicians and business people to stop delaying with Iran on a business–as–usual basis. If no really effective sanctions are imposed on Iran, then this will be a true disaster for the Middle East, Europe and the world. Germany has a special obligation in this matter, given Iran’s genocidal threats against Israel, its’ state-sponsored Holocaust denial and incitement to Antisemitism”.
Hassan Daioleslam on STOP THE BOMB

Hassan Daioleslam, Iranian Human Rights Activist and Political Scientist, USA
"Six years ago, the international community discovered the extent of the Iranian nuclear ambitions. The Iranian people were given the hope that the West would finally become its ally in confronting the Mullahs' threat. Six years later, this hope has vanished, thanks mainly to business interests and short term calculations. Germany has a very distinguished place among those who have constantly blocked any serious measure against the Iranian regime. I welcome your efforts and keep the hope that greed and business considerations will not give the Bomb to the Mullahs. We will do our best to prevent such tragedy."
Dr Charles Small on STOP THE BOMB

Dr. Charles A. Small, Yale-University (USA), President and Founder of The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA), New Haven
"It staggers the mind to think that just decades after the Shoah, contemporary German society under the leadership of its Government and the private business sector, is engaged in economic relations with the Iranian Regime. The Iranian Regime is open and forthright in its genocidal antisemitism, and mission to wipe Israel off the map. We must be clear, that these relations are aiding and abetting those who are intent in carryout a second Holocaust. The fact that Germany, a nation which often reassures itself of how well they have learnt the lessons of their past - have engaged in these relations - is behavior that is not only reckless but is immoral and unethical at a profound level. It is time for Germany to emerge as a voice of true leadership on this vital matter that is key to international stability."
Rabbi Abraham Cooper on STOP THE BOMB

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean Simon Wiesenthal Center, Los Angeles
„Today's Germany should be in forefront of thwarting, not arming a regime seeking to annihilate jewish state and will threaten world peace with nuclear weapons.“
Dr. Efraim Zuroff on STOP THE BOMB

Dr. Efraim Zuroff, Nazi-hunter and historian, Director of Simon Wiesenthal Center-Israel Office, Coordinator of SWC Nazi war crimes research (worldwide), Efrat/Israel
“I support STOP THE BOMB because every effort must be made to prevent the regime in Teheran, whose meglomaniac ambitions are motivated by the most extremist and fanatic version of Islam, from obtaining the capability to destroy Israel and its other perceived 'enemies.'“
Kayvan Kaboli on STOP THE BOMB

Kayvan Kaboli, Speaker of the Green Party of Iran, Los Angeles
"The world has to unite to stop the Iranian regime to access the nuclear bomb. Formation of "Stop the Bomb" in Germany is necessary to defeat the "appeasement" policy which is fueling nuclear project in Iran. Germany, Iran's largest trading partner, is in the center of this disgusting "appeasement" game. That's why it is very important to support "Stop the Bomb" in order to stop Clero-Fascism that threatening Iranian people, the Middle East, and the whole world.
Aryeh Rubin on STOP THE BOMB

Aryeh Rubin, Director of the Targum Shlishi Foundation, USA.
I support the “Stop the Bomb” campaign because as the threat of a nuclear Iran intensifies, there has been much talk about a "second Holocaust" and comparisons made to the 1930s. We are well aware that today's problems are different from yesterday's; that today's world is not yesterday's. Nevertheless, the situation is dire:
- Israel is in mortal danger.
- We believe that when Ahmadinejad declares "Israel must be wiped off the map," he intends to do just that.
- When Israel is threatened, the Jewish people are threatened.
- Will there be an Israel in 50 years? If we do nothing about the threat posed by Iran, we risk Israel. Without Israel, the survival odds of the Jewish people are slim.
We believe that Jewish power and Jewish sovereignty are the best assurance and the best defense against another Holocaust. Others will argue that we need to strengthen universal human values and understand that our common humanity transcends our relatively minor differences if we are to defeat hatred and genocide. While we believe this is a noble goal and one to strive for, we remain convinced that the Jewish people cannot rely on others. We must have sovereignty - must have Israel - if we are to defend ourselves against hatred and genocide. And, when threatened, we must respond. Our survival depends on it.
Graham Weinberg on STOP THE BOMB

Graham Weinberg, President B'nai B'rith Europe
"We gladly place our full confidence in Germany’s commitment to the security of Israel. However, at this point the substantive question arises as to whether its flourishing foreign trade with Iran should be considered by Germany's decision-makers as detrimental to Israel's security. We would hope that the political leadership of the country appropriate action to stop its industrial companies continuing to support the regime in Teheran economically and - indirectly - also politically. Our confidence in Germany's true friendship is challenged by the actions of these companies concerned."