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Monday, March 03, 2025

Support the STOP THE BOMB campaign in Germany against the Iranian nuclear program:

"STOP THE BOMB! Cut off trade with the Iranian regime!"

The nuclear program of the Islamic Republic of Iran has to be stopped - immediately! Its danger is increasing by the day.  Iran's nuclear program is a grave threat to Israel's very existance, in fact to the entire Middle East, to Europe and to the Iranian people who are being brutally oppressed.

STOP THE BOMB demands both economic and political sanctions against the Iranian regime which is controlled with iron fists by the islamist-mullahs and the revolutionary guards.  Of equal importance to sanctions is the support of the democratic opposition in Iran and in exile. During Ahmadinejad's visit in October 2009 to the United Nations in New York City, thousands of exiled Iranians flew in from the West Coast, from Europe and other parts of the world to express their opposition to the ruthless regime of the mullahs.

Germany is one of Iran's most important trading partners. Two thirds of all medium-sized factories in Iran are outfitted with German machinery, and are therefore dependent on a constant and reliable supply of German spare parts. In 2008 German exports amounted to $5,73 billion  -  an increase of 8,9% compared to the previous year. The extent and special nature of the German-Iranian business relations indicate that Germany has in fact considerable leverage to exert pressure on the political leadership of the Iranian regime due to Iran's economic dependence on German trade.STOP THE BOMB calls upon the German government to immediately impose effective political and economic unilateral and multilateral measures in order to isolate the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Furthermore STOP THE BOMB is actively involved in exerting public pressure in key sectors of German companies with the explicit purpose of stopping trade with the Iranian regime.

STOP THE BOMB also insists on the immediate ban of organizations in Germany which support Hezbollah, a terrorist organization financed and controlled by Iran.

Please help us by joining our organization by passing the information contained in this website on to others and of equal importance: to your government representatives - local and federal all the way up to the White House. Don't underestimate the power of letters to the editor of your local newspapers, of distributing information through blogs and any and all other means which our electronic technology offers.

Please sign the STOP THE BOMB petition!

Read statements of STOP THE BOMB supporters
Learn more about German-Iranian trade relations
View all original supporters