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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Human rights

Amnesty International - Iran Report 2010

The Iran 34: Journalists in Jail
List of imprisoned journalists in Iran (December 2010)

Dicrimination and violence against sexual minorities in Iran
Human Righs Watch report (102 p., December 2010)

The Baha'i Question - Cultural Cleansing in Iran (PDF)
Comprehensive Report of the Baha'i International Community, 2008

Amnesty International - Iran Report 2008
Human rights situation in Iran

Nazanin Afshin-Jam - Iranian Human Rights: How we can make a difference
Why the struggle for human rights and supporting the Iranian opposition is so important (2008)



Destruction of the Bahai cemetary in Isfahan 29.9.2008

Published by the Human Rights organization „Human Rights Activists“

Torture in Iran

Ahmad Batebi tells CNN's Anderson Cooper, in his 1st U.S. television interview how he was tortured for 9 years in an Iranian prison and how he managed to escape. (Text)


Iran - A Big Prison

Recordings from the 1980s about the terror in Iran and the nevertheless prospering German-Iranian trade (partly English and Farsi).