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Monday, March 03, 2025

November 2019: Rally: Solidarity with the Protests against the Iranian Regime

Seit den Benzinpreiserhöhungen am 15. November 2019 gingen die Menschen im Iran wieder massenhaft gegen das Regime auf die Straße. Im ganzen Land fanden Demonstrationen statt, deren Parolen sich nicht auf ökonomische Forderungen beschränken, sondern die Islamische Republik politisch angreifen. Bei unser Kundgebung forderten wir u.a. einen vollständigen Neuanfang in der deutschen Iranpolitik und eine Unterstützung der iranischen Oppositionskräfte in ihrem Kampf für eine säkulare Demokratie im Iran, Schluss mit dem Schweigen der Bundesregierung.

November 2019: Letter to more than 600 German Companies that trade with Iran

In cooperation 11 representatives of exile-Iranian organisations we sent a letter to more than 600 German companies that trade with Iran. We asked the CEO's and representatives of the companies to stop doing business with Iran as long as the repressive regime is in charge: "Take away the rulers options to keep pursuing their inhumane, fundamentalist policies by publicly announcing that you are withdrawing from Iran. Fight with us to show that freedom is a value that Iran shares with us."

September 2019: Protest-Letter to Klaus Ernst (Left Party)

Klaus Ernst was the only Parliamentarian speaking at the „8. Banking and Business Forum Iran-Europe“ that promoted business as usual with the regime in Iran. STOP THE BOMB called upon Klaus Ernst in two open letters to not participate at such lobby events: "You are a former trade union representative, your website states that you support “fair wages and social justice.” We appreciate this commitment very much, but ask ourselves: where is your solidarity with the workers’ protests in Iran? How can you participate in a lobbying event for business with Iran? A business that since the signing of the JCPOA in 2015 has mainly benefited the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps’ companies, which are responsible for the nuclear and missile programs, the suppression of dissidents and women and help the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad to wage a bloody war against his own people."

September 2019: Protest against the "8. Banking and Business Forum Iran-Germany"

STOP THE BOMB organised protests against the "8. Banking- und Business Forum Iran-Deutschland", a lobby event with the aim of promoting trade between Europe and Iran. It’s the purpose of the conference to get accounts moving again between Germany and Iran despite the US-sanctions. As a coalition we strongly condemn the attempts to normalize relationships to this misogynist, antisemitic regime.

September 2019: Protests against the reception of Tehran's mayor Pirouz Hanachi in Berlin's City Hall

The STOP THE BOMB campaign protests against the reception of Tehran's mayor who is a former member of the Revolutionary Guard Corps in Berlin's City hall and asks Berlin's mayor Michael Müller instead to meet with the Iranian opposition. When STOP THE BOMB scandalized the reception of Pirouz Hanachi via social and print media, many organizations joined the protests: among others the Kurdish Community in Germany, the Young Social Democrats (Jusos), Berlin's party CDU and the US Ambassador to Berlin, Richard Grenell. STOP THE BOMB wrote an open letter to Berlin's mayor Michael Müller, and protested in front of the town hall against the visit of Hanachi. A video that shows how Kazem Moussavi confronted Berlin's mayor Michael Müller was clicked 70.000 times on Facebook.

June 2019: Rally against the antisemitic Quds-March 

The STOP THE BOMB coalition was - as in previous years - a leading actor in the coalition against the Quds march in Berlin. This year, a broad coalition was created. Many organizations participated, among them NGO's, the Kurdish community, exile-Iranians, youth organizations, Jewish organizations, most parties from Berlin. There was a huge number of media reports: In  "Tagesschau", Germany's most important news channel, a report on our protests against the Quds-Marsch was the top news. All important print-, radio-, and TV stations reported on the Quds-march and the protests. We are proud that we could help to inform the public during the last 12 years on the antisemitic character of the march and the Iranian regime, so that this knowledge is now common knowledge.

May 2019: Protest against the invitation of Holocaust-Denier Think Tank to a conference of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

STOP THE BOMB protested against the invitation of Iranian experts to a conference hosted by the Social Democratic Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES). The FES invited Saeed Khatibzadeh, a representative of the state-run Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS), which hosted the 2006 Holocaust deniers conference in Tehran. The second guest of the FES conference is Hassan Ahmadian from the University of Tehran. Ahmadian recently described the devastating war of the Islamic Republic in Syria as a war of "deterrence" against the US and Israel.Despite of public criticism, the FES sticked to its plan.


February 2018: Open Letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel

According to press reports, 10 suspected agents spied on institutions and persons in Germany on behalf of the al-Quds Brigades, the external operations arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. Among the targets were the American Jewish Committee in Berlin (AJC) and a kindergarten of a Jewish community center in Berlin. The AJC Berlin has therefore called for the expulsion of the Iranian ambassador from Germany. STOP THE BOMB supports this call. 

November 2017: Banking-Forum for a Terror-Regime? STOP THE BOMB protests against "Banking and Business Forum Iran Europe"

The STOP THE BOMB campaign protests against the "Banking and Business Forum Iran Europe", which will take place on 15 and 16 November as part of the "Euro Finance Week" in Frankfurt. The forum wants to remove the financial barriers that currently exist for the business with Iran. Among the speakers are German and Iranian bankers as well as Tarek Al-Wazir, the Hessian Minister of Economic Affairs and Omid Nouripour, foreign policy spokesman of the German Green Party. 

July 2017: Success: Open letter to the German Government: No support for Islamist Organizations!

With an open letter and the support of more than 120 activists and organizations, STOP THE BOMB protested against the financial support of the workshop "Islamic understanding between rationality and radicalism - historical-theological background and social challenges" by the Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. Organizer of the workshop was the "Islamic Community of Shiite Communities in Germany"); the workshop was to be conducted by the Al-Mustafa Institute. This institute is associated with the Mustafa University in Ghom/Iran, an Islamist cadre training university of the Iranian regime with a global mission.

March 2017: Rally against the invitation of a delegation from the Iranian Parliament in Germany: No normalization of political relations with the Iranian regime! 

Together with the German-Israeli Friendship Association Berlin and Brandenburg (DIG) and the Young Forum of the DIG, STOP THE BOMB called for protests against the invitation of a delegation from the Iranian parliament for political talks with representatives of the German government, business and culture and science.

Poster campaign against the invitation of Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif to the Munich Security Conference

The STOP THE BOMB campaign protests against the invitation of Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to the Munich Security Conference with a poster truck campaign in Munich.  The posters criticize the increasing numbers of executions in Iran, the Holocaust denial of the regime, the oppression of women and the illusion that the leadership of Iran can be a moderate partner in the region as a result of the nuclear deal.

July 2015: Protest against Iran trip of Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel / Against the deal with Iran

Only a few days after the deal with the Iranian regime, German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel announced a trip to Iran. He was accompanied by a high-ranking delegation of German entrepreneurs. The campaign STOP THE BOMB called for the cancellation of the trip and protested in front of the Ministry of Economics.

July 2015: Protests against the antisemitic Quds-March

STOP THE BOMB supported the activities against the anti-Semitic "Quds-March" this year like in last years. The "Quds day” (Quds=Jerusalem in Arabic) is an Iranian national holiday for the destruction of Israel. The "Quds-Day" was introduced in 1979 by Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of the Iranian revolution. To this day, this central aim (the destruction of Israel) of the regime has not changed. In Iran, mass ralleys are organized by the Iranian regime, and slogans are "death to Israel" and "death to the United States". In Berlin, circles close to the Iranian regime are organizing a Berlin version of the "Quds-March". The demonstration took place in Berlin on July, 11. Two demonstrations have been organized against the Quds-march in Berlin, against anti-Semitic, and homophobic Islamist rallies and propaganda and call for solidarity with Israel, the Iranian freedom movement and democratic forces in the Middle East.

July 2015: Public Event: The Quds-Syndrome. Antisemitism, Terror and Appeasement

On the eve of the antisemitic "Quds-March" in Berlin on 11th July, STOP THE BOMB organized an event on the "Quds-Syndrome" with three guests discussion the topic. Stephan Grigat, Fathiyeh Naghibzadeh und Thomas von der Osten-Sacken discussed the questions, what impact Iranian policy has on the Middle East. What is the impact of the Quds-Day? Why are politicians and media ignoring this event? Why is it supported by radical Islamists, right wing and left wing anti-imperialists? What can be done to counter the the destructive policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran?

STOP THE BOMB protested against the visit of the Iranian Vice president Masoud Soltanifar at the travel trade show in Berlin

On March 3rd, 2015 Germany's biggest travel trade show ITB was opened, among prominent guests was Sigmar Gabriel, minister for economy. The Iranian vice president Masood Soltanifar was present, too. For the first time, Iran is present with a complete hall at the trade show and is said to be a favorite aim for German tourists. Iran as the biggest sponsor of Islamist terrorism and as the country with the most executions can't be a vacation country for democrats! STOP THE BOMB protests against the invitation of the Iranian vice president and will be present with leaflets and posters. 

July 2014: Protests against the anti-Semitic Al Quds March

On July 25, 2014, Islamists will demonstrate in Berlin, while the Iranian nuclear program is advancing rapidly. The annual staged "Quds Day" is one of the most important demonstrations of power of the Iranian terror regime. In Germany, anti-Semites with different backgrounds participate at the Islamist march - the neo-Nazi spectrum as well as the so-called "anti-imperialist" left-wing extremist spectrum. The common ground is the hostility to Israel and to the community of free nations.

June 2014: Successful Protest against the Invitation of the Iranian Ambassador by Members of the German Parliament

Several members of the German parliament invited the Iranian ambassador Alireza Sheikh Attar to a "fireside chat" to the Parliamentary Society near the Bundestag. STOP THE BOMB protested against the invitation and after media reports some members of parliament dissociated themselves from the invitation. Finally, the "fireside chat" with the Iranian Ambassador and German Members of Parliament has been cancelled. STOP THE BOMB hast protested against the cooperation with Alireza Sheikh Attar several times. Sheikh Attar was, according to Iranian oppositionists personally involved in massacres in the Kurdish region of Iran. In July 2014 it was announced that a new ambassador would be send to Berlin after the summer.

May 2014: Protest Ralley against Conference with the Iranian Ambassador and Representative of the German Foreign Office

The „Business Forum Iran“ is scheduled for May 23rd in Frankfurt. It is the aim of the Forum, to initiate new German-Iranian business deals. STOP THE BOMB protests together with other organisations against the conference, the invitation of the Iranian ambassador and the participation of the German Foreign Office.

April 2014: Protest ralley against  German-Iranian Business Conference of NUMOV (Near- and Middle East Association)

The Near- and Middle East Association (NUMOV) held a „German-Iranian Business Conference“ in Berlin on April 8, 2014. The conference had the aim to foster German-Iranian trade relations. STOP THE BOMB protested with a ralley against the event and against the support of German-Iranian trade relations.

November 2013: STOP THE BOMB calls for the dismissal of BAFA-Director Arnold Wallraff

The Arak Trial in Hamburg did not only revealed that German-Iranian entrepreneurs exported high technology made in Germany to Iran, for Iran's most dangerous nuclear project, the heavy water reactor in Arak. The trial also demonstrated the failure of the German regulatory authorities. STOP THE BOMB criticizes the mild sentence, and calls for a committee of inquiry and the dismissal of BAFA’s President.

September / October 2013: Protest against the cooperation of German universities with the URD, an Islamist Elite School in Iran

The coalition STOP THE BOMB demands the end of the joint academic program of the University of Religions and Denominations (URD) in Qom and the University of Potsdam.

August 2013: Protests against an anti-Israel propaganda event of the Iranian embassy in Berlin

STOP THE BOMB protested against a propaganda event of the Cultural Department of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran which was directed against the existence of Israel and was planned to take place in the premises of the URANIA, a science and event center, based in Berlin. After the protests the URANIA cancelled the contract with the Iranian embassy. 

April 2013: Protests against the invitation of the Iranian Ambassador to a conference of the Evangelische Akademie

The coalition STOP THE BOMB protested with a rally against the invitation of the Iranian ambassador in Germany, Alireza Sheikh Attar, to a conference of the Evangelische Akademie (a center belonging to the Lutheran Church Hannover) which took place from April 17 - 19 and was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. The conference has the cynical title "How can the Iranian civil society be strenghtend?". The protests were supported by a broad coalition and the media reported on the protests.

February 2013: No stage for the Iranian regime! Protest-Rally against the visist of Iranian Foreign Minister Salehi to Germany

The coalition STOP THE BOMB protested with a rally against the invitation of Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi to the German foundation Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP): Monday, February 4, 2013 a 11.30 a.m. at Rauchstraße 17, 10787 Berlin. You can find our press release and a documentation of the protests on the German page.

January 2013: STOP THE BOMB protests against business in Iran of the German company MAN

The Campaign STOP THE BOMB supports the protests of the American organisation UANI (United Against Nuclear Iran) against the German company MAN. UANI protests against MAN’s business with sanctioned Iranian shipping companies and against the involvement in the construction of new vessels for the Iranian regime. The Iranian regime’s seaborne export capacity is an Achilles heel of the Iranian regime. Delivering engines for oil tankers undermines U.S., EU, and UN sanctions against the Iranian regime.

January 2013: STOP THE BOMB protests against a seminar of the German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce 

STOP THE BOMB protested against a seminar of the German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce which was held at an undisclosed location in Hamburg with the participation of the Iranian ambassador Alireza Sheikh Attar. The seminar offers advice on "application processes" to "goods inspections" in the "oil, gas and petrochemical sector" – that means in the energy sector which is under EU sanctions. Thus, the Chamber of Commerce focuses on business as usual where EU sanctions are supposed to unfold their impact. The German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce is one of the main lobby groups for maintaining the relationship with the regime in Tehran. STOP THE BOMB before protested in 2008 and 2009 against activities of the chamber of commerce. 

October 2012: STOP THE BOMB Cancel Iran Trip of German MP's

After an Iran trip of an EU delegation sparked protests worldwide, news of German Parliament members travelling to Iran in October became known. The coalition STOP THE BOMB calls for the cancellation of the trip. The planned visit would undermine the pressure of international sanctions against Iran.

October 2012: STOP THE BOMB demands the cancellation of a trip by members of the European parliament to Iran 

STOP THE BOMB urged the conference of presidents of the EU parliament with a press release and letters of protests to cancel the trip by members of the European parliament to Iran which was scheduled for the end of October. STOP THE BOMB's spokesperson for Europe, Simone Dinah Hartmann said: "We urge the conference of Presidents to prohibit courting the Iranian Regime as they did in 2011. This trip entirely contradicts the spirit of the EU's sanctions and it thwarts the recent decisions by the EU member states. Instead of increasing pressure on Tehran, this trip offers the regime the possibility to celebrate yet another propaganda success."

October 2012: No stage for the Iranian regime at the Frankfurt Book Fair!

In the early nineties, the Iranian regime was expelled from the book fair in Frankfurt as a  reaction to the fatwa against Salman Rushdie. Today, the fatwa is still in force but the organizers of the Frankfurt Book Fair refuse to expel the Iranian regime. STOP THE BOMB was present in front of the Book Fair with an information desk and a protest ralley and demanded the exclusion of the Iranian regime from the Frankfurt book fair. STOP THE BOMB suggested to invite political refugees and opposition members from Iran to present their voices against the brutal and antisemitic Iranian dictatorship at the book fair. 

August 2012: Protest against the Quds day march in Berlin

STOP THE BOMB again supported two demonstrations against the Islamist and anti-Semitic Quds day march in Berlin. Wahied Wahdat-Hagh (European Foundation for Democracy) and Jonathan Weckerle (STOP THE BOMB) discussed about the "The Quds day and the Islamist struggle against Israel and freedom in the Middle East" in a public event which took place some days before the demonstration.

May 2012: Protest against the Iran policy of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

STOP THE BOMB sent letters of protest to the Social Democrat's Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) to protest against their Iran related activities. The first letter protested against the invitation of a professional apologist of the Iranian regime by the FES. The second protest letter criticized a recent position paper of the FES which downplayed the dangers of the Iranian regime. The letters of protest and the reply of the FES have been published on the STOP THE BOMB website.

April 2012: Protest against the Iran business of the Analytik Jena AG

The STOP THE BOMB coalition protested against the Iran business of the Analytik Jena AG in Jena, Thuringia, with a rally in front of their annual shareholder meeting. Critical shareholders from our coalition posed questions concerning Analytik Jena's Iran business. STOP THE BOMB called for the immediate stop of these Iran deals.

April 2012: STOP THE BOMB revealed participation of German companies at the Iran Oil Show 2012

Many German companies participated at the four-day industry exhibition "Iran Oil Show 2012 - 17th International Oil, Gas, Refining, and PetrochemicalExhibition" in Tehran. German companies presented their products for the sanctioned Iranian energy sector. STOP THE BOMB published a list of the attending German companies.

February 2012: Protests in the run up to the Munich Security Conference

In an open letter STOP THE BOMB strongly condemned statements of the director of the 48th Munich Security Conference, Wolfgang Ischinger. Ischinger said that the West should prepare for a policy of containment, which implies that the West might have to accept an Iranian nuclear bomb. STOP THE BOMB initiated a letter-writing campaign that asked hotels in Munich not to host the Iranian delegation.

January 2012: STOP THE BOMB at the Siemens Annual Shareholder Meeting

At the annual shareholder meeting of Siemens, which took place on January 24, 2012 in the Olympiahalle in Munich, shareholders from our coalition confronted the Siemens board with questions regarding their business in Iran. Siemens board members declared that they will continue to fulfill their "legal obligations" in Iran. The trade volume with Iran amounted to 450 Million Euro in 2011. Siemens still runs a department in Tehran with 185 employees.

November 2011: Protest against the German Business Association BVMW and German-Iranian Business Congress in Berlin

STOP THE BOMB protested against a conference to promote German-Iranian business relations which took place in Berlin. The Congress with the title "Iranian Business Women Power" was attended by the Iranian ambassador Sheikh Attar. The event was promoted with the support of the Assocation of Medium-Sized Companies (BVMW).

October 2011: Protest against the invitation of the Iranian Vice Minister for Economic Affairs to the German Foundation DGAP

After STOP THE BOMB heard of a non-public event with the Iranian Vice-Minister for Economic Affairs Mohammed Reza Farzin, we called for short-term protests on Oct. 26, 2011. After the announcement of our protest, Rainer Stinner, foreign policy spokesman of the Free Democrats FDP (the junior partner in Germany's ruling coalition), canceled his meeting with the Iranian Vice-Minister because of "scheduling difficulties". 

October 2011: Successful Protests against Matthias Platzeck, Rüdiger Safranski and the Iranian Regime

For October 15, 2011 the Foundation Schloss Neuhardenberg announced a talk between the Iranian ambassador and the German TV philosopher Rüdiger Safranski about the Persian poet Hafiz. After protests from STOP THE BOMB, the foundation canceled the event.

October 2011: STOP THE BOMB protests against new German-Iranian business offensive

A number of promotion events for more German-Iranian trade took place in Germany in October. The recently founded lobby organization "EIVENT" organized a congress on October 10, 2011 in Dresden while in Hamburg representatives of the EIH Bank, which is on the EU sanctions list, held a seminar of business with Iran for businesspeople from the Hamburg area, who are interested in investing in Iran. STOP THE BOMB critiziced the German government: „German business with Iran is still undeterred.“

September 2011: STOP THE BOMB calls for sanctions against Iran's Oil industry

STOP THE BOMB welcomes the sanctioning of Syrian oil products and demands that the same measures are taken against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Revenues from the oil- and gas sector form the main financial base of the Iranian regime. In the first half of 2011 the EU imported energy products worth more than 6.3 billion Euro (8.84 US-Dollar). The EU sanctions against Syria can not be effective, as long as the Islamic Republic of Iran is supporting the Assad regime with weapons, surveillance technology, instructors and troops.

August 2011: Protest against the Islamist and anti-Semitic Quds-Day march

In 2011 STOP THE BOMB was again among the initiators and organizers of a protest rally against the antisemitic and Islamist Quds-Day march in Berlin. Every year the Islamic Republic is holding a propaganda march in Tehran, while the Hezbollah is parading in Beirut and the Hamas in Gaza. With these demonstrations the regime spreads its ideology internationally. In Berlin participants at the Quds-March showed signs of terror organizations. 

February 2011: Protest against the EIH bank and panel discussion in Hamburg

On February 27, 2011 STOP THE BOMB organized a second protest rally in front of the building of the European-Iranian Trade Bank (EIH) in Hamburg. Afterwards a panel discussion with Mina Ahadi (exil-Iranian human rights activist and spokesperson of the Comittee against Stoning and Executions), Solmaz Shiva (22Khordad-Hamburg), Dr. Kazem Moussavi (Green Party of Iran), Jonathan Weckerle (STOP THE BOMB) and Ulrike Becker (Moderation, STOP THE BOMB) took place. A full documentation of both the protest and the panel discussion is available.

January 2011: Protest against Iran business of Bergrohr Ltd. in Siegen

On January 22, 2011, STOP THE BOMB and the Pro-Israel-Initiative "NEVERAGAIN" organized a protest rally in front of the Bergrohr Ltd. in Siegen. The company is involved in many projects in Irans energy sector. In the evening STOP THE BOMB spokesperson Jonathan Weckerle held a lecture.

January 2011: Protest against Iran seminars in Bayreuth and publication of a list with activities promoting Iran business

On January 12, 2011, STOP THE BOMB protested in Bayreuth against two seminars of the local Chamber for Commerce and Industry (IHK). German Companies were invited to inform themselves about possibilities to do business with Iran after the last round of sanctions. We also released a list with events that promoted business with Iran. The list will be updated regularly.

December 2010: Rally against the Iranian Ascotec Holding GmbH in Düsseldorf

On December 11, 2010, STOP THE BOMB demonstrated in front of the city hall in Düsseldorf. Under the motto "Close down the Iranian Ascotec GmbH! No deals with the Iranian regime! Freedom instead of Islamic Republic!" about 60 people demaned the immediate shutdown of the Ascotec Holding GmbH. The Ascotec GmbH and some of its subsidiaries are registered in Düsseldorf. On the 3rd of August, the US-Treasury put 21 several Iranian companies on their sanctions list. Ascotec Trading GmbH and four subsidiaries were on the list because they are undermining existing sanctions.

November 2010: Open letter to all members of the German Parliament: Stop travelling to Iran!

Several members of the German parliament travelled to Iran since the summer of 2010. In an open letter to all members of the Bundestag, STOP THE BOMB is asking the parliamentarians to stop these trips: "In July 2010, the EU imposed sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran to exert pressure on the Iranian government to stop its illicit nuclear program. This pressure can only be effective if other actions vis-à-vis Iran do not undermine this pressure. But the recent trips to Iran by representatives of all parties of the German Bundestag are doing just that."

November 2010: Protests against the "Iran Business Forum" at the Marriott Courtyard Airport Hotel Hamburg

A protest rally took place today in front of the Marriott Courtyard Airport Hotel in Hamburg, organized by the STOP THE BOMB Campaign and other groups. STOP THE BOMB protested against the "Iran Business Forum", an event to promote German-Iranian trade. The "Iran Business Forum" was organized by the IPC Company in cooperation with the Iranian Embassy in Germany. One of the invited speakers is Alireza Beyghi, governor of the province Eastern Azerbaijan. This is the province where Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is threatened with execution and in which two German journalists are detained, charged with „espionage“, because they wanted to conduct an interview with Sakineh's son.

October 2010: Protests against the journey of the German Parliamentary Committee to Iran 

The alliance STOP THE BOMB convictedly the  trip, planned from 16 - 22 October 2010, of the sub-committee for foreign cultural politics and educational politics in Iran on the most sharp one. Delegation leader is the chairperson of the committee, Peter Gauweiler (CDU / CSU). Other delegation members are Monika Grütter (CDU / CSU), Günter Gloser (SPD), Lukrezia Jochimsen (DIE LINKE) and Claudia Roth (BÜNDNIS 90 / DIE GRÜNEN).

October 2010: Swiss policy under fire. STOP THE BOMB protests in five European cities

Switzerland is one of the main Western partners of the inhuman regime in Iran. In 2008 the Swiss EGL, a subsidiary of Canton-owned AXPO Group, completed a deal with the Iranian regime on gas supplies in the tens of billions. This mega-business commits Switzerland for years as a strategic partner of the regime, even if the EGL would now like to abandon Iranian gas supplies in the starting phase of their Trans-Adriatic pipeline-project. With the support of Iran in its efforts to join the World Trade Organization, Switzerland becomes an advocate of the regime´s interests.

September 2010: Protests against the European-Iranian Bank of Commerce (EIH)

The STOP THE BOMB Campaign is protesting against the activities of the Europäisch-Iranische Handelsbank (EIH) which is financing transactions with the Islamic Republic of Iran. While the Hamburg-based bank has been blacklisted for sanctions in the U.S., the German government is not willing to close the bank. STOP THE BOMB is calling for the immediate closure of the bank which is involved in Iran's nuclear activities. 

July 2010: Protests against Iran trip of Rainer Stinner

Stinners trip, which does not take place without knowledge and approval of the German government, shows the unwillingness to break with a regime that uses „dialogue“ only to gain time for its nuclear program, that continues to support Islamist terror worldwide, that steadily threatens Israel with destruction and which inmidst of its hardest internal crisis uses brute force against any opposition.

July 2010: Public lecture and discussion with Dr. Fariborz Saremi

On July 18, 1994 85 people were murdered in an attack on the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires. The anniversary of the terror attack is a sad occasion, but also an opportunity to adress the network of terror of the Islamic Republic, which has been extended, especially in Latin America. Dr. Saremi is an expert on foreign- and security policy, political-military analysis and international terrorism. He is a member of the International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA) in Washington D.C., author and commentator for numerous international media as well as European speaker of the Azadegan Foundation, which stands for a democratic and secular Iran.

June 2010: Protests against Iran-trip of Ruprecht Polenz (CDU)

STOP THE BOMB calls for the cancellation of the trip to Iran, from July 2- July 6 2010. The trip was announced for members of the Foreign Committee of the German Bundestag, and to be headed by Committee Chairman Ruprecht Polenz (CDU). The trip was cancelled after protests. 


June 2010: Public discussion on the new antisemitism and campaigns to delegitimize Israel

Other aspects: the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its allies. With Monika Thamm, Prof. Gert Weisskirchen, Dr. Richard Herzinger, Dr. Nikoline Hansen and Aaron Sagui.

June 2010: Revolution in Iran? Bilan and perspectives of the freedom movement. Discussion with Saba Farzan 

Seemingly the rulers could consolidate their rule in Iran. However, after the phoney presidency elections on the 12th of June 2009 nothing more is in Iran like before. A review on the events of the last year should show how deeply the regime was shaken in his basic parties and was damaged.

June 2010: Publication of the film "Iran Zendan" of Daryush Shokof

Iran Zendan shows torture, rape and execution in Iranian prisons. The film relentlessly reveals the brutal character of the thirty-one year old Iranian regime. Shokof's films contain both fictional and non-fictional sequences. Iran Zendan also shows images of last year's revolt and its repression.

May 2010: Questions to the CEO of the German company Linde, regarding Linde's business in Iran

CEO Wolfgang Reitzle answered to questions of STOP THE BOMB regarding Linde's business in Iran: Linde has private as well as state-run business partners, mainly in the petrochemical area. The CEO confirmed that Linde did a study on a LNG-project (Liquified Natural Gas) in Iran for a "major chinese customer". He thereforme confirmed that the knowledge of Linde is the basis for the exploration of Iranian gas.

April 2010: Protests and critical questions at shareholder meetings of VW, Daimler, RWE, Münchener Rück, BASF and Bayer

STOP THE BOMB shareholders participated at several shareholder meetings and asked critical questions regarding the Iran business of German companies. Dr. Dieter Zetsche, CEO of the Daimler AG announced in April 2010 that Daimler would partly pull out of Iran. He announced in November 2010 that the company would suspend its business in Iran completely. The reason for this decision was that the company does not want to be regarded as a supporter of the Iranian regime in public.  

April 2010: Public discussion with Dr. Matthias Küntzel and Oliver Thränert (SWP): Iran and Deutschland - a fatal friendship?

What are the measures taken by the international community in general and Germany in particular? Do German policies back the freedom movement, or is the present goal a "strategic partnership" with the Mullah regime? Is the German industry actually pulling back from Iran, as some companies or is trade continuing via other states or even directly with Iran?

February 2010: Hamburg - Pro-Iranian Conference cancelled after protests 

After massive protests from the STOP THE BOMB coalition and the announcement of a demonstration in front of the Kempinski-Hotel, the hotel manager withdrew the contract with the Orient Okzident association, the organizer of a conference with the Iranian ambassador. In an official statement the hotel management explained that it had no information about the participants of the conference and their background. The demonstration in front of the hotel is cancelled.

January 2010: Protests of STOP THE BOMB at the annual shareholder meeting of Siemens

Shareholders of the STOP THE BOMB-Coalition asked critical questions at the annual meeting regarding Siemens' business in Iran, while STOP THE BOMB members protested against Siemens' business in Iran in front of the building where the meeting took place. CEO Peter Löscher announced at the meeting that Siemens intended to stop making new contracts in Iran by the summer of 2010. Siemens would have 280 staff members in Iran. Löscher confirmed that Siemens exported turbo compressors to Iran. He did not answer other concrete questions regarding Siemens' business in Iran. 

January 2010: Protests against ThyssenKrupp's business in Iran

The ThyssenKrupp Group has had a particularly close relationship with Iran in the past. The Iranian state became an investor in ThyssenKrupp in 1974 and is a shareholder with a packet of shares of 4,5%. ThyssenKrupp and particularly the subsidiary Uhde made several major deals in Iran during the last years. STOP THE BOMB protested at the annual shareholder of ThyssenKrupp (January 2010) against the company's business with Iran. CEO Dr. Schulz answered to questions of STOP THE BOMB. He did not deny that ThyssenKrupp exported dual use goods to Iran. He also did not eliminate any possibility that ThyssenKrupp is involved in projects with Iran's revolutionary guards. Uhde is involved in several energy projects. ThyssenKrupp's exports amounted to 185 Mio. Euro.

October 2009: Public discussion: Antisemitism and persecution of the Bahai'i with Prof. Ingo Hofmann and Javad Asadian

The major significance and danger of the regime’s intolerant ideology came vividly to light in the current crisis, not only in the ways the Iranian media and militia whipped up a pogrom-like atmosphere, but also in the ways the Iranian liberation movement is denounced as “Zionist” or “controlled by the Bahai'i."

September 2009: Manifestations against the Al-Quds-Day

STOP THE BOMB supports the manifestations against the Islamist and antisemitic Al-Quds-Day in Berlin, which took place at September 12, 2009. The Islamic Republic of Iran organizes an annually event in Tehran, an ideological march, the so-called Al-Quds day. At the same time, demonstrations are organized by Hezbollah in Beirut and by Hamas in Gaza, and the fundamentalist ideology of the Islamic Republic is propagated by rallies taking place worldwide. During previous Al-Quds demonstration in Berlin, demonstrators have repeatedly made use of symbols of terrorist organizations. Stop this propaganda of the Islamic Republic - No Al-Quds-Day!

STOP THE BOMB rally: Freedom instead of Islamic Republic

After 30 years of dictatorship an end of the nightmare called Islamic Republic is possible in Iran. After the electoral putsch on June 12 the regime has lost any last semblance of “republic” and “democracy”. The regime can remain in power only by force against a large-scale movement. Millions of people in Iran have lost fear, not let themselves be intimidated by the threats of Chamenei and the unleashed violence of the militia and can not be silenced. Therefore we demand the political isolation of the Iranian rulers and as a first step the non-recognition of the government of Ahmadinejad/Chamenei by the German government.

Juli 2009: Public lecture and discussion with Dr. Ronen Bergman: The secret war with Iran and the current crisis

Dr. Ronen Bergman will speak about the 30 year fight of the Islamic revolution in Iran against the West and put the current events in a historical context. With his recent publication “The secret war with Iran” he just presented a definite book on the issue. Dr. Ronen Bergman is one of the leading international Iran and secret service experts; he has published three best sellers and writes for Haaretz, Yediot Ahronoth, New York Times and Der Spiegel.

June 2009: Protest against Iran-recorddeal of the company Basell Polyolefine GmbH

STOP THE BOMB protested against the Iran-record business (825 million euros) of the company Basell Polyolefine GmbH with the Iranian National Petrochemical Company (NPC). Basell delivers technology for three polyethylene facilities in Mamasani, Dehdascht and Borodschen in the south of Iran. With the business transaction Adel Nejad-Salim, deputy-oil minister and president of the NPC was present. The Basell Polyolefine GmbH belongs as a juridically independent enterprise to the enterprise of LyondellBasell.

June 2009: Protests against the invitation of the Iranian ambassador of the Green Party's Böll-Stiftung

For 16th of June, 2009 the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Sachsen and Eurient e.V. have invited the ambassador of the Iranian regime Ali Reza Sheikh Attar in Germany to a panel discussion with Johannes Reissner of Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) - one of the  most important think tanks in the sphere of the German government. While representatives of the SWP demand for many years not only the dialogue, but an open cooperation and a "strategical partnership" of Germany with Iran, Attar, who is responsible as a former governor for the action of the Mullahs dictatorship in Iranian Kurdistan, represents the crimes of the regime.

June 2009: Public lecture and discussion with Hassan Dai: The Iranian revolt and the future of US-Iranian negotiations

Discussion and lecture in Farsi and German. The exile-Iranian political scientist is analyzing the policy of the Iranian regime toward the West for years. He particularly focuses on the activities of the Iranian lobby in the United States. He is discussion the Iranian nuclear program, the actual situation in Iran and the relations between Iran and the United States as well as the Iranian opposition in the US.

May 2009: Protest against NUMOV (German Near and Middle East Association) and the German-Iranian business round table

The Nah- und MittelOst-Verein (NUMOV) - the central conveyor organisation founded in 1934 for German trade in the region - organises the second forum for the support of German Iranian trade within the shortest time. in May 2009. Rudolf Dressler (SPD), former German ambassador in Israel and supporter of the campaign STOP THE BOMB criticizes: "I hold for not opportune to hold such publicity events just at the present time. The momentary negotiations phase requires rather that one makes clear to the Iranian regime the price which it has to pay if it offends furthermore with his nuclear programme against regulations of the international community."

May 2009: STOP THE BOMB protests at the annual shareholder's meeting of the Linde-AG

STOP THE BOMB stockholders questioned at the annual general meeting in May 2009 chairman of the board Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Reitzle and board member Dr.-Ing. Aldo Belloni (responsibly for the Middle East) which gave the following answers:

The sales figures in Iran lie in accordance with the board of directors for 2007 with 86 million, for 2008 with 89 million euros.

April 2009: STOP THE BOMB protests against Iran business of the German company Bayern-Gas

„With the assistance of Bayerngas the Iranian regime could continue its nuclear program, its support of islamist terror worldwide and the oppression of its own population. Political pressure of the West would be much less effective“, says Jonathan Weckerle, spokesman of the STOP THE BOMB campaign in Germany.

March 2009: Public lecture and discussion with Amir Taheri

While the Iranian nuclear program is in its last stadium, the new US-administration under president Obama has announced a change of strategy. Direct talks with the Iranian leadership together with tougher sanctions should lead to concessions by the regime. To gain an assessment of the risks and chances of this strategy Amir Taheri will look back at the results of the Western Iran policy and analyse the structure and ideology of the Islamic republic. Germany's Iran policy and its role as Iran's most important Western trade partner will also come into focus.

March 2009: Film and Commentary at the occasion of the international women's day

On the 7th of March 1979, only weeks after the revolution in Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini ordered that women should only be allowed to enter public buildings dressed with a headscarf. After this – and on the occasion of the International Women’s Day on the 8th of March that year - there were numerous demonstrations against mandatory veiling. As a direct result of these demonstrations, the Islamists were forced to rescend their order, if only temporarily. We are documenting the film "Liberation Movement of the Iranian Women, Year Zero" on the protests of 1979, with a comment of Fathiyeh Naghibzadeh.

January 2009: STOP THE BOMB protests against Siemens' business in Iran

STOP THE BOMB who are shareholders of the Siemens AG asked questions at Siemens annual meeting in January 2009. STOP THE BOMB members protested in front of the meeting hall against trade with Iran. In an open letter to the board and CEO of Siemens STOP THE BOMB asked: how is it possible that Siemens, which already profited from slave labor in Auschwitz and was also involved in other Nazi crimes, is now once again acting as an important mainstay of an anti-Semitic and terrorist regime? Siemens' exports to Iran amounted to 438 Mio. Euro in 2008. This means that Siemens was leading in exports to Iran. About 7 months after the protests of STOP THE BOMB Siemens lost a 300 million dollar contract in Los Angeles.

January 2009: Manager-Seminar in Frankfurt cancelled after  protests of STOP THE BOMB

The Manager-seminar "Your success in Iran" promoting business in Iran has been canceled after we announced protests! This is a success that gives hope, but much more has to follow. Instead of the protests there will now be a manifestation with speakers and info-desk in the inner city at the "Hauptwache" from 4 to 6 p.m.

December 2008: Lecture and Discussion with Dr. Emanuele Ottolenghi 

Organized by STOP THE BOMB Vienna, December 2008. The question of the purpose of the Iranian nuclear program can only be answered if one provides clarity on the character of the Iranian regime and its ambitions. Emanuele Ottolenghie will talk about the history, the current situation, and possible future developments regarding the Iranian nuclear program in the context of the Khomeinist ideology, and will further answer the question what an appropriate reaction of the European Union and its member states to the nuclear ambitions and human rights violations of the Iranian regime would be.


November 2008: Protests against a seminar of the Chamber of Commerce in Hamburg

The protests criticized the workshop that was dedicated to support the »success of business in Iran«. Andreas Benl, speaker of the Hamburg section of the STOP THE BOMB campaign, explained: "The organizers want to convey the necessary know-how to business people who are interested in investing in Iran in spite of the sanctions." Members of the German-Israeli Friendship Society, of the campaign STOP THE BOMB and of the Hamburger Studienbibliothek, a Hamburg-based political group combating anti-Semitism, demonstrated with leaflets and banners against a workshop of the German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce.

November 2008: Public lecture and discussion with Yossi Melman: "Delaying, Cheating, Deceiving: The Iranian Regime on the Way to the Bomb"

Yossi Melman is a journalist for the Israeli daily Haaretz and author of "The Nuclear Sphinx of Tehran - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the State of Iran" (Carrol & Graf 2007, together with Meir Javedanfar).

October 2008: Press Conference at the start of the STOP THE BOMB Campaign

On Tuesday, October 28, a broad coalition against the Iranian nuclear program was presented at a press conference. Stephan Kramer of the Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland (Central Council of German Jews), Mohammed Schams of the Coordinating Council of German NGOs against Antisemitism, Ulrike Becker and Jonathan Weckerle, the initiators of the STOP THE BOMB coalition, presented the campaign.The campaign’s petition has been signed by more than 120 prominent first subscribers. Among them are members of all parties present in the German parliament. The STOP THE BOMB coalition calls on the German government to impose effective political and economic unilateral and multilateral measures to isolate the Islamic Republic of Iran and to ban Hezbollah in Germany. Furthermore STOP THE BOMB demands German companies, especially the high-tech giant Siemens, to stop trade with the Iranian regime.