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Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Protests against the "8th Banking and Business Forum Iran - Europe"


On September 19 and 20, the Maleki Corporate Group GmbH is holding their 8th Banking and Business Forum Iran Europe. Besides German politicians like Klaus Ernst and representatives of the Federal Financial Supervisory authority, representatives of the Iranian regime will be present, among them the newly appointed Iranian ambassador to Germany Mahmoud Farazandeh. It’s the purpose of the conference to get accounts moving again between Germany and Iran despite the US-sanctions. As a coalition we strongly condemn the attempts to normalize relationships to this misogynist, antisemitic regime.

Therefore, we call for protests against the event: as long as there is gender-apartheid in Iran and executions are carried out on a daily basis, as long as the regime persecutes its dissidents and supports terrorists around the globe, as long as the regime denies the Holocaust and threatens Israel with annihilation we consider it to be a crime to support its policies.

We call for a protest on September 19 to show the Iranian ambassador and all other enablers and supporters of the islamofascist regime in Teheran, that their ongoing attacks on human dignity do not go unnoticed.  

No business with the Iranian regime, neither in Berlin nor anywhere else!


Where: Maritim Hotel Berlin, Stauffenbergstraße 26, 10785 Berlin
When: Donnerstag, 19. September 2019, 8.45 am


Green Party of Iran
Iranische säkular Demokraten Hannover e.V. ISDH
Iranian Liberation Congress
fzs - freier zusammenschluss von student*innenschaften


Press Release: STOP THE BOMB campaign calls for cancellation of "Banking and Business Forum Iran Europe"

Berlin, 18.9.2019

A coalition of various civil society and exile Iranian groups is protesting against the "Banking and Business Forum Iran Europe", which will take place on 19 and 20 September 2019 at the Maritim Hotel in Berlin. Representatives of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, the Financial Supervisory Authority Bafin, Iranian Ambassador Mahmoud Farazandeh and lobbyists of the Iran business have been announced as speakers. The aim of the conference is to stimulate trade between Europe and Iran despite U.S. sanctions.

The campaign STOP THE BOMB demands the cancellation of the forum. Ulrike Becker, spokeswoman for the campaign, said: "The conference on boosting business with Iran seems to be a special reward for the terror that is currently being inflicted by the Iranian regime in the region. The Iranian regime always pursues its goals by force: it has responded to the nuclear deal and economic concessions by reinforcing its militias in Syria. The regime is terrorizing the entire region, from Iraq and Yemen to the Israeli border. In Iran, the regime has enormously intensified the repression of women's rights and union activists. The German answer to this terror is always more trade and dialogue. However, this policy does not make the regime more moderate, but encourages it in its aggressive course. There must finally be a change of course: away from courting the regime, towards support of the democratic opposition."

Amir Amiri of the exile Iranian opposition group "Iranian Secular Democrats in Hanover" supporting the protests against the Banking Forum states: "We see no difference between the terrorist organization IS and the Islamic terror regime in Iran. Both act as terror groups. We say "no" to the warmongering regime in Iran. We say "no" to the appeasement policy with the mullahs. We call for solidarity and support for the Iranian democratic opposition to the mullahs' regime. "

The coalition will protest on 19 September at 8:45 a.m. in front of the Hotel Maritim, Stauffenbergstraße 26, 10785 Berlin against the Business and Banking Forum. More information here.


Jerusalem Post: US embassy says pro-Iran business event funds terrorism in Berlin (9/17/2019)

Die Welt: Hausverbot für Höcke – aber nicht für Irans Vertreter (9/18/2019)

Bild: Iran-Konferenz der Schande (9/1/2019)

Bild: Iran business conference in Berlin Protests against German business deals with the mullahs (10/7/2019)

Letters to Klaus Ernst

First Letter of STOP THE BOMB to the Member of Parliament Klaus Ernst (Die Linke) of September 12, 2019.

Second Letter of STOP THE BOMB to the Member of Parliament Klaus Ernst (Die Linke) of September 19, 2019. (in German only)