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List of Activities Promoting Trade with Iran

Who is promoting trade with the inhuman and antisemitic Iranian regime? Germany's most important business associations, chambers of commerce, partly supported by the German Ministry of Economics. "Whoever is looking for a single event of the German government to support Iranians who are arrested, tortured and murdered, is looking in vain ", commented Irangermany blog. Our latest press statement can be found here. This list will be updated. Please note that many events take place without public knowledge.


Date: 15.11.2018
Place: IHK für Rheinhessen, Schillerplatz 7, 55116 Mainz
Title: Iran - Rheinland-Pfalz Fachtagung
Organizer: IHK Rheinhessen and Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy Rhineland-Palatinate
Description: Informations on trade with Iran, the Iranian Ambassador to Germany will be present as well as a representative of the Iranian Melli Bank. Representatives of 15 companies from Iran will be present. Here is a list of the participating companies from Iran.


Date: November 2 - 5, 2018
Place: Tehran
Title: Iran ConMin - German Pavilion
Organizer: German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA)
Description: International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery & Vehicles, Mining, Building Material Machines and Natural Stone Industry


Date: October 13-16, 2018
: International Industry Exhibition
: German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA)


Datum: September 24-27, 2018
: Iran Plast
: German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA)
Beschreibung: The IRAN PLAST is the exclusive forum for the plastics and rubber industry in Iran.


Date: August 21-23, 2018
Place:  Berlin / Akademie Schmöckwitz
Title: German-Iranian Conference: Future of small and medium sized business for Iran and Organizer: Fachhochschule des Mittelstands
Description: Information über German-Iranian trade, the Iranian Ambassador to Germany is present, also member of the Bundestag Kerstin Vieregge (CDU, Lippe). Conference Program (PDF). Here you find a report on the conference.


Date: June 26 - 29, 2018
Place: Tehran
Title: AMB Iran - German Pavilion
Organizer: German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA)
Description: The AMB Iran 2018 is the exclusive forum for the Metal Working Industry in the Middle East.


Date: May 6 - 9, 2018
Place: Tehran
Title: Iran Oil Show - German Pavilion
Organizer: German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA)
Description: 23rd Iran International Oil, Gas, Refining & Petrochemical Exhibition


Date: June 9-12, 2015
Place: Tehran
Titel: INOTEX Innovation and Technology Exhibition
Organizer: Iranian government with the support of the German Iranian chamber of commerce in Hamburg (compare the broschure, page 7)
Description: Technology Fare in Tehran, Iran


Date: June 10, 2015
Location: Darmstadt
Title: Opportunities after the embargo - automotives suppliers in Iran
Organizer: CC Darmstadt, Germela Consultants
Description: Automotive Market in Iran - insights into unknown potenzials


Date: June 9, 2015
Location: Magdeburg
Title: Consultancy Day Iran page 5
Organizer: CC Magdeburg
Description: Representatives of companies have the opportunity to speak to the representative of the German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce in Tehran about their opportunies in Iran 


Date: June 8, 2015
Location: Chemnitz
Title: Opening up the Iranian market
Organizer: CC Chemnitz
Description: Daniel Bernbeck from the German Iranian Chamber of Commerce in Tehran will be present, topics among others "strategies for handling the Iranian market for German companies"


Date: May 19, 2015
Location: Frankfurt
Title: Doing Business in Iran (program)
Organizer: NUMOV (German Near and Middle East Association), Germela Consultancy
Description: A top class delegation from Iran will be present. Iranian ambassador in Germany Ali Majedi will hold a welcoming speech. Topics: German-Iranian Economic Relations, Gas Monetisation, Petrochemistry, Energy, Financing and Legal Aspects. Ali Afkhami, director of the Iranian Bank of Industry and Mines will be present. The bank is on the US and EU sanctions list.

Date: May 19, 2015
Location: Berlin
Title: Conference: Where is the global economy heading?
Organizer: German Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Germany Trade & Invest
Description: With Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel. One panel will deal with the topic: "From Iran to Subsahara Africa - how to securely and sustainably develop difficult markets". Speaker: Daniel Bernbeck of the German Iranian Chamber of Commerce in Tehran


Date: May 14, 2015
Location: Dubai
Title: Iran's Opportunities after the sanctions
Organizer: Meyer-Reumann & Partners (German consultants in Dubai) and Sesam Business Consultants (German - Emirati Consultancy), promoted by the German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce in Tehran
Description: Networking and lectures, among others "Iran, your business partner in the 21st century" (program)


Date: May 12, 2015
Location: Frankfurt / M.
Title: The Iran embargo - using opportunities, avoiding risks
Organizer: Management-Circle, with a speaker of the German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce in Tehran
Description: Consultation on minmizing risks in business with Iran et al (program)


Date: May 8, 2015
Title: Restarting business with Iran. Consultancy day for entrepreneurs at the chamber of commerce in Erfurt
Organizer: CC Erfurt
Description: From the announcement: The draft agreement with Iran offers good opportunities for a restart of business in Iran. Products and services "made in Germany" are much asked for in Iran. Iranian companies appreciate the policy of contract fulfilment of the Germans and the reliability of their machines. The representative of the German-Iranian chamber of commerce in Tehran will be there for gratuitous one on one talks during the whole day. He will help with your indivudal concerns. 

Date: May 7, 2015
Title: Opportunies and Challenges for German trade - Focus Iran
Organizer: CC Frankfurt, German Iranian Chamber of Commerce in Iran, Maleki Group
Description: Talks on "Trade with Iran - before and after Sanctions", "Iran after the sanctions - opportunities for German companies" (compare PDF)


Date: May 6-7, 2015
Location: Berlin
Title: Energy Security Summit
Organizer: Munich Security Conference under the auspices of Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel and Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier
Description: Participants are the Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh and the deputy oil minister Amir Hossein Zamaninia. Bijan Zanganeh will meet German economics minister Sigmar Gabriel and according to MEHRNEWS also other high ranking politicians in Berlin and later with representatives of the German companies Siemens, Linde and Lurgi.


Date: May 6-9, 2015
Location: Tehran
Title: German pavillon at the Iran Oil Trade Show
Organizer: German-Iranian chamber of commerce Tehran, German Engineering Asscociation VDMA
Description: From the announcement: The German Iranian chamber of commerce in Tehran AKH is the only active Western chamber of commerce in Iran and therefore an important western brigdehead in Iran. There will be a common booth for companies from German speaking countries. The Engineering Association VDMA supports the activities of the chamber of commerce, to offer a platform at the fare."


Date: May 6, 2015
Location: Munich
Title: Workshop Export Iran
Organizer: German Companies Militzer & Münch, SGS, Consultancy Germala and German-Iranian chamber of commerce in Tehran
Description: Topics: Political framework for business in Iran, secure transportation, sanctions and and product certification

Date: May 2015
Location: Gera
Title: Iran - regulars table
Organizer: CC Gera


Date: April 25-30, 2015
Location: Iran
Title: Trip of delegation of German chambers of commerce to Iran on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the German-Iranian chamber of commerce
Organizer: German chambers of commerce
Description: Trip of German entrepreneurs with visits at different Iranian ministries


Date: April 21-22, 2015
Location: Tehran
Title: Symposium textile machines
Organizer: German Engineering Assocication VDMA
Description: Symposium with more than 1,100 participatns. Compare a report (German)


Date: April 20, 2015
Location: Hamburg
Title: Trade with Iran - consultation for individual companies
Organizer: German-Iranian chamber of commerce in Hamburg
Description: Individual consultations for companies on the topics: Opportunities in the Iranian market, sales agents in Iran, sanctions, financing and banking.


Date: April 26-30, 2014
Title: Trip for entrepreneurs to Iran
Organizer: Bavarian chamber of commerce
Description: Fact-Finding trip of representatives of ten German companies from Bavaria to Iran. According to their own statement, the group was the second official Western delegation of entrepreneurs to Iran after the embargo in 2009.


Date: February 2014
Title: Trip of entrepreneurs to Iran
: CC Hannover, under the head of Dr. Horst Schrage
Description: see report in the magazine of the chamber of commerce  (here)


Date: March 15, 2012
Title: Iran: Success in business - Intercultural Workshop
Organizer: German-Iranian Trade Chamber
Place: Hamburg
Beschreibung: How to use "intercultural competence" to do business in Iran.


Datum: March 2,2012
Title: Sanctions Seminar 2012
Organizer: German-Iranian Trade Chamber
Place: Hamburg
Description: How to do business with Iran despite sanctions. Please also see our press release.


Date: November 22, 2011
Title: Exportday Bavaria
Organizer: Bavarian Ministry for Economics, IHK München, Handwerkskammer München and German chambers of commerce [u.a. DIHK]
Place: Munich
Description: Better market chances in Iran, possibilities to invest, finding business partners in Iran

Date: October 26, 2011
Title: "Double track diplomacy and its consequence
Organizer: DGAP
Place: Berlin
Description: „Experts talks“ with the Iranian Vice minister Mohammed Reza Farzin.


Date: October 10, 2011
Title: Delegation from Khuzestan (South West Iran)
Organizer: EIVENT & BVMW
Place: Dresden
Description: Network of bilateral relations in the Oil, Gas and petrochemical sector.


Date: October 5, 2011
: Exportkontrollrecht
Organizer: IHK Stade
: Stade
Description: Sanctions like in the Iranian case demand an intern export controll program for companies (compliance check), to be able to adapt the process flow as soon as possible.


Date: June 15, 2011
: First German - Near and Middle East Ports Conference
: Numov (Near and Middle East association)
: Hamburg
Description: This event is relevant for: Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Saudi-Arabia, Syria, Turkey, VAE, Cyprus, Bahrain, Yemen, Katar, Lebanon, Oman.


Date: May 24-25, 2011
: Near- and Middle East Conference 2011, Gala-Event
: Ministry for Economics and Technology, Numov (Near- and Middle East Association)
: Ministry of Economics and Technology, Berlin
Beschreibung: Lectures on market potentials and developing markets in the Middle East etc. Representatives of the Ministry of Economics and Technology will be present as well as representatives for export credit guarantees. German Near and Middle East Gala Event will take place on May 24, 2011. Ambassadors of countries in the Near and Middle East are invited as well as important representatives of German ministries. 


Date: May 9, 2011
: Foreign trade seminar „Export control“ (under keyword Iran)
: Südwestfälische Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Hagen


Date: May 4-5, 2011
: Handling of Export Contracts (for Iran and other countries)
Organizer: IHK Stade
: Stade


Date: May 2, 2011
Title: Challenges for Industry and Trade in Iran
Organizer: AHK
Place: Teheran

Date: April 12, 2011
Title: Iran-Embargo – Businesses with high risk potentials.
Organizer: ZVEI – Zentralverband der ElektroindustriePlace: Frankfurt
Description: A Seminar for companies with business in Iran


Date: March 15, 2011
: Exportkontrolle in der betrieblichen Praxis (including Iran)
Organizer: IHK Heilbronn-Franken
: Heilbronn 


Date: January 22, 2011
: Iran-Embargo
: FAZ-Institute, Lawyers Hohmann & Partner, Lawyers Oppenhoff & Partner, Graf von Westphalen
FAZ, Frankfurt am Main
: The roundtable addresses managers and decision makers in the fields of export and export financing.


Datum: January 21, 2011
: New developments in exports control
: IHK Hamburg
: Chamber of Commerce, Hamburg
: This event informs on actual developments in the export control and focuses on the measures against Iran. 


Date: January 13, 2011
: Export Control Special: Special Legal Provisions for Iran
: IHK Krefeld
: Krefeld
The increase of sanctions demands highest alertness in companies that are directly or indirectly doing business with Iran. This seminar focuses on authorization processes and gives suggestions for the daily business


Date: January 12, 2011
: Inspection und certification for the export to Iran, Saudi-Arabia, Kuwait, Algeria and Syria
: IHK Bayreuth
: Learn about import regulations for the „interesting market“ Iran
: STOP THE BOMB called for protests


Date: December 2, 2010
: Information event about among others market entry in Iran
: IHK Halle, IHK Magdeburg
: You have the opportunity to learn about market entry, distribution, legal questions, current market situation as well as opportunities for your products or services in this market.
: Market experts of the local Chambers of Foreign Trade


Date: November – December 2010
: 8 German business delegations travel to Iran
: unknown
: Learn about the capacities and economic potentials oft he country
IRIB, December 14, 2010


Date: November 25, 2010
: MBA Program
: Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, AHK Iran
Tehran, Iran
: AHK-Iran Executive Management Training Department is holding its next MBA Program with the University of Wuerzburg


Date: November 23, 2010
: Special seminar: Exports to Iran: EU and US embargo measures. Exports, US re-exports, spare parts, service and repair in Iran
: AWA Außenwirtschaftsakademie GmbH (Münster)


Date: November 22, 2010
: Iran Business Forum. Investment opportunites in the North Western provinces of Iran
: IPC GmbH in cooperation with the Iranian embassy in Berlin
Courtyard Marriott Airport Hotel Hamburg
: Alireza Sheikh Attar (Iranian ambassador to Germany), Alireza Beyghi (Governor of Azerbaijan East - and thus responsible for the imprisonment of Sakineh Ashtiani and the two German journalists Marcus Hellwig und Jens Koch), and others.
: STOP THE BOMB and United Against A Nuclear Iran protested with letters to the Marriot Hotel and a protest rally in front of the Marriott Hotel.


Date: November 22, 2010
: Iran event
: VDMA Maschinenbauverband
: about 60 companies were present at the Iran event


Date: November 2010 – February 2011
: Project: Potential for renewable energies in Iran the possibility of German-Iranian cooperation
: Federal Ministry of Ecology, Environment Protection and Reactor Safety (BMU) in cooperation with the "Renewable Energy Organization of Iran"
Tehran, Iran


Date: Since November 2010
: Master of Business Administration (MBA) in International Business Management & Consulting
: German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Iran) in cooperation with the University Würzburg and the Industrial Management Institute of Iran, the former being owned by the Iranian state Industrial Development and Renovation Organisation (IDRO), which is on the EU sanctions list.
: Business Master program with among others the aims “Effective networking”, “Knowledge transfer” und “Expanding Business Opportunities”.
Irangermany's blog


Date: November 1, 2010
: Renewable energies in Iran
: Federal Ministry of Economy


Date: October 19, 2010
: Export control - basics, updates and current trends
: Industrie- und Handelskammer Heilbronn-Franken
Schwäbisch Hall
: New developments with embargos are presented, especially regarding the embargo against Iran


Date: October 13, 2010
: Special seminar: Exports to Iran: EU and U.S. embargo measures. Exports, US re-exports, spare parts, service and repair in Iran
: AWA Außenwirtschaftsakademie GmbH (Münster)


Date: September 1, 2010
: Inspection and certification for the export to Iran
: Industrie- und Handelskammer Hagen


Date: August 30, 2010
: Export credit guarantees and investment guarantees for the Near and Middle East
: Nah- und Mittelostverein (NUMOV)
Euler Hermes Kreditversicherungs-AG, Hamburg
: Renowned and experienced speakers from the region and specialists regarding promoting instruments want to discuss with you concrete business and market entry opportunities, they want to present you the local terms of investment and the various usages of state guarantee offers.


Date: July 5-8, 2010
: Iran ConMin 2010
: IMAG/ Münchner Messe Gesellschaft, VDMA – German Engineering Association, Germany, IIEC – Iran International Exhibition Company Co., Tehran, TPO – Trade Promotion Organization of Iran, Tehran, Ministry of Industry and Mines, Tehran, Iran Mine House, Tehran
Teheran, Iran
: Fair for mining, building machines and building materials


Date: June 21, 2010
: Trade with Iran – trade with obstacles
: ZVEI – Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e. V. Frankfurt


Date: June 10, 2010
: Economy conference Middle East
: Industrie- und Handelskammer Hamburg


Date: May 31, 2010
: Inspection and certification for the export to Iran
: Industrie- und Handelskammer Braunschweig


Date: March 25, 2010
: Iran: Business success – intercultural workshop
: Deutsch-Iranische Handelskammer
: The seminar supports companies that plan a market entry in Iran, that are negotiating with Iranian business partners or that plan a trade-fair appearance in Iran.


Date: February 18, 2010
: Iran Exports under embargo
: Verband der Maschinenbauer, Landesverband Sachsen


Date: February 2, 2010
: Members meeting
: Deutsche Außenhandelskammer Teheran
: The event with 500 participants was attended by the German ambassador Bernd Erbel: „His excellence, the ambassador of the federal republic of Germany, Bernd Erbel (…) stressed (…) how important the German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is for the trade exchange of both countries, and he particularly thanked its members that organize the exchange."
: Irangermany's blog


Date: September 17, 2009
: Working group Iran
: German-Emirates Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Dubai [1]
Hotel Dubai Monarch, Dubai
: Aim of the partly state financed working group: to use the UAE as entrance for the German export to Iran
: After protests by Matthias Küntzel it was announced that the activities of the working group are stopped for the moment and that the minute taker of the chamber has been fired.


Date: July 13, 2009
: Import and export certification for Iran business
: Deutsch-Iranische Handelskammer Hamburg
Handwerkskammer Hamburg, Holstenwall
: Support for German companies doing business with Iran
: STOP THE BOMB protest rally with the slogan: Against the sponsors of terror: No deals with the Iranian regime!


Date: May 5, 2009
: NUMOV Energy Round Table - Focus Iran
: NUMOV (Nah- und Mittelostverein)
NUMOV, Berlin
: Business in the energy sector, in which Iran is especially reliant on German technology
: Rudolf Dressler, STOP THE BOMB protest rally with the slogan „No deals with the Iranian regime – No support for terror, dictatorship, Islamism and anti-Semitism!"


Date: April 27, 2009
: Business meeting
: NUMOV (Nah- und Mittelostverein)
: Representatives of about 200 German companies and many Iranian industry managers discussed how bilateral industrial ties could be expanded.


Date: February 28 - March 2, 2009
: Iran 2009 - International Conference on Foreign Investment & Business Mission
: German Global Trade Forum Berlin
Tehran, Iran
: Common business trip to the international investment conference “International Seminar on Foreign Investment in Iran”. The Conference in Tehran is based on an agreement between the Iranian government and the Islamic Investment Bank and will focus on the future industries and the fields of investment, which will be especially interesting for foreign companies in the next years.
Travel guide
: Mehdi Saidozakerin


Date: January 26 - 27, 2009
: Your business success in Iran
: Management Circle AG
Frankfurt / Main
: Seminar promoting market entry in Iran, with focus on market entry strategies. The schedule mentions 7 reasons why you invest in Iran
: Michael Gorges (Iran Consulting), Karsten Keilhack (HTM Meyer, Venn und Partner), André Körtel (Sika Schweiz AG)
: The seminar has been canceled after STOP THE BOMB announced protests.


Date: November 27, 2008
: Iran sanctions – Practical effects for Geman companies
: Deutsch-Iranische Handelskammer Hamburg, SGS Germany GmbH
Kempinski Hotel Hamburg
: Support for handling the Iranian market and information about possible support for Iran business with state guarantees.
: Norbert Eisenmenger (Executive director of the European-Iranian Trade Bank (EIH)), Sabine Hummerich (Melli Bank), Sissi Gerstenkorn (Euler-Hermes), Michael Tockuss (Executive director of the Geman-Iranian Chamber of Commerce)
: Members of the German-Israeli Society, the campaign STOP THE BOMB and the Hamburger Studienbibliothek protested with flyers and banners against the seminar.


Date: 2008
: Managing Successfully Cross-Cultural Differences from an International & Iranian Perspective, 3-day Intensive Workshop
: AHK (German Chamber for Foreign Trade)
: Iran with its continuous economic growth of ca. 6 percent and its domestic market potential becomes an important regional and international market ort. Diversity and Cross-Cultural Management should as well in Iran be seen as an effective Management tool towards competition and increasing market shares.
: Dr. rer. pol. Paivand Sepehri



Press Statement: German Business Seminars Undermine International Pressure on Iran

Berlin, 11 January 2011

The campaign STOP THE BOMB is protesting against two seminars of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) in Bayreuth which takes places Tuesday, January 12. The event is supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. [1]

The two seminars with the titles “Export Control Iran” and “Inspection and Certification for Exports to Iran, Saudi-Arabia, Kuwait, Algeria and Syria” are not neutral information events about how to comply with sanctions. The aim of the seminars is the promotion of Germany's business with Iran, as the description of the seminars reveals: “The markets in the Near- and Middle East have been expanding over the last years and are still highly interesting for German exporters.” While this announcement has been removed from the website of the IHK Bayreuth after STOP THE BOMB called for protests, it is still online on the iXPOS website of Federal Ministry of Economics. [2]

The seminars of the IHK Bayreuth are only two examples of a high number of other seminars and events with the same aim, which are organized by Germany's most important associations and chambers of commerce, partly with the support of the Federal Ministry of Economics. Particularly the German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce and it’s executive director Michael Tockuss, who in the Austrian parliament just recently has been named to be one of the most important lobbyists against sanctions [3], are promoting business with Iran. STOP THE BOMB therefore publishes a list of activities promoting business with Iran. [4]

STOP THE BOMB calls for a stop of all events promoting trade with for Iran and particularly the support for these events of the Federal Ministry of Economics. This kind of promotion for German-Iranian trade is undermining the pressure that the international community imposes on Iranian over its nuclear program. Germany has a seat in the United Nations Security Council since January 1st, and must not act against the interests of the international community.

„The fact that the seminars of the IHK are being promoted by the internet portal iXPOS of the Ministry of Economics shows the unwillingness of the federal government to effectively restrict trade relations with Iran, which have increased in 2010”, says Michael Spaney, spokesperson of STOP THE BOMB.

German exports to Iran increased in 2010. Until October 2010 German exports to Iran amounted to 3.2 billion Euros (4.2 billion USD), among them 16 dual-use goods with potential military usage. [5]