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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Call for the rally on February 19, 2023, 2.00 pm., Vor der Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission, Pariser Platz, Berlin

On the occasion of the meeting of the European Foreign Affairs Council on February 20 in Brussels, many people will again demonstrate for the immediate inclusion of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) on the EU terror list. With our rally in front of the European Commission Representation in Berlin, we declare our solidarity with the goal of the vast majority of Iranians to abolish the Islamic Republic and build a democratic society. We demand from the German Federal Government and the European Union the consequent break with the Islamic Republic and the full support of the Iranian Revolution for Woman - Life - Freedom! Read more

The Iran Connection

Close cooperation with the Islamist Mullah regime was promoted in Germany at all levels: By promoting business with Iran, by attracting Iranian banks to Germany, by trying to circumvent US sanctions via Instex, by partnering with Iranian-controlled associations such as the IZH in Hamburg and financially supporting the religious association IGS, by political foundations propagating close cooperation with the regime and warning against regime change, and by allowing Iranian intelligence services to stay in Germany. What the close cooperation looks like and what must be done to end this close cooperation: read more here.



Federal Government supports organizing Fairs in the Islamic Republic of Iran


STOP THE BOMB protests against the Federal Ministry of Economics and IMAG, a subsidiary of Messe München. You can find our press release and our open letter here



September 19, 2019 in Berlin: Protests against the 8th Banking und Business Forum Iran - Europa

On September 19 and 20, the Maleki Corporate Group GmbH is holding their 8th Banking and Business Forum Iran Europe. Besides German politicians like Klaus Ernst and representatives of the Federal Financial Supervisory authority, representatives of the Iranian regime will be present, among them the newly appointed Iranian ambassador to Germany Mahmoud Farazandeh. It’s the purpose of the conference to get accounts moving again between Germany and Iran despite the US-sanctions. As a coalition we strongly condemn the attempts to normalize relationships to this misogynist, antisemitic regime.

Protest against the Reception of Pirouz Hanachi in Berlin's City Hall

STOP THE BOMB supports the protests against Pirouz Hanachi and has drafted an open letter to the mayor Michael Müller that asks him to support the opposition instead of the regime.

Support the STOP THE BOMB campaign in Germany against the Iranian nuclear program

STOP THE BOMB! Cut off trade with the Iranian regime!

The nuclear program of the Islamic Republic of Iran has to be stopped. Its danger is increasing by the day. Iran's nuclear program is a grave threat to Israel's very existance, in fact to the entire Middle East, to Europe and to the Iranian people who are being brutally oppressed. STOP THE BOMB demands both economic and political sanctions against the Iranian regime which is controlled with iron fists by the islamist-mullahs and the revolutionary guards.  Of equal importance to sanctions is the support of the democratic opposition in Iran and in exile. Please help us by joining our organization. Read more  

Please sign the STOP THE BOMB petition!

Read statements of STOP THE BOMB supporters


Day X Protest: No Red Carpet for Hassan Rouhani!

The German government plans to invite Hassan Rouhani, president of Iran's Islamist terror-regime, to Berlin. We say no to Rouhani: Under his presidency the number of executions are higher than in the last 20 years, according to the United Nations. The highest representatives of the regime repeatedly deny the Holocaust. Homosexuals are punished by death, women are oppressed, and dissidents are tortured and imprisoned. The threats to destroy Israel do not stop. In spite of all this, German chancellor Angela Merkel wants to receive Rouhani in Berlin. Meanwhile the Iranian regime funds international terrorism and leads an atrocious war in Syria. Hassan Rouhani is no moderate, but the grinning face of terror.





Federal President Steinmeier courts Islamist association IGS

Representatives of the IGS are invited for a reception with President Frank-Walter Steinmeier to the Schloss Bellevue. STOP THE BOMB protests against this invitation: The IGS has close connections to the Iranian regime. The chairman belongs to the "political-religious establishment" in Iran. Another leading member is considered to be a deputy of the Iranian leader Ali Chamenei in Germany. Read more



STOP THE BOMB demands political support for protesters in Iran

1 January 2018: "The nationwide protests against the Islamist mullah regime in Iran make it obvious that the Federal Government's Iran policy has reached a dead end. For decades, Germany’s Iran policy has supported an Islamist dictatorship that today can only be upheld with utmost violence against its own people. We demand an end of the collaboration with a terror spreading regime which is rejected internally and externally by the people of Iran and by Iran's neighbors. We expect clear political support of the demands for freedom and democracy in Iran."

read more


Open letter to the German Government: No support for Islamist Organizations!

Here is the link to the open letter.


STOP THE BOMB on Facebook




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Thank you for your contribution! Contributions help STOP THE BOMB cover overhead costs, maintain, upgrade and expand activities, public lectures and interventions. Every donation makes a big difference. Contributions can be designated for special project. Let us know.

Account holder: Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin, IBAN: DE75 1007 0024 0766 8866 00, BIC/Swift: DEUTDEDBBER. Reason for payment: "Stop the Bomb". For more information about donations, or to make a donation via paypal, click here.

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